McKeesport Sportsmen's Association - IR 50/50 3-Gun Match Results - 06/04/2017


A pretty good day for shooting. Overcast, no rain and fairly calm conditions made for some very fast relays. The shooters were finishing them faster than I could score 'em. All in all, another good day at the range.

Below are the scores for today's match.

1. Jim Peightal - 250 (16X) 2
2. Tony Harper - 250 (12X) 6
3. Michael Poole - 248 (15X) 1
4. John Benyo - 248 (13X) 2
5. Butch Wahl - 244 (10X) 11
6. Jerry Rosenberger - 242 (9X) 7

10 1/2 LB
1. Michael Poole - 250 (21X) 12
2. Jack Gauntz - 250 (13X) 1
3. Tony Harper - 249 (18X) 12
4. John Benyo - 249 (17X) 21
5. Butch Wahl - 249 (16X) 8
6. Calvin Trader - 249 (13X) 15
7. Jim Peightal - 249 (13X) 2
8. Dave Burns - 248 (15X) 2
9. Jerry Rosenberger - 247 (14X) 2

13 1/2 LB
1. Calvin Trader - 250 (15X) 2
2. Michael Poole - 250 (14X) 2
3. John Benyo - 250 (14X) 1
4. Tony Harper - 249 (17X) 6
5. Jim Peightal - 249 (15X) 13
6. Jack Gauntz - 249 (13X) 5
7. Butch Wahl - 248 (21X) 13
8. Dave Burns - 248 (15X) 16
9. Jerry Rosenberger - 247 (8X) 1

1. Michael Poole - 500 (35X) 250
2. John Benyo - 499 (31X) 249
3. Calvin Trader - 499 (28X) 249
4. Jack Gauntz - 499 (26X) 250
5. Tony Harper - 498 (35X) 249
6. Jim Peightal - 498 (28X) 249
7. Butch Wahl - 497 (37X) 249
8. Dave Burns - 496 (30X) 248
9. Jerry Rosenberger - 494 (22X) 247

1. Michael Poole - 748 (50X) 248
2. Tony Harper - 748 (47X) 250
3. Jim Peightal - 748 (44X) 250
4. John Benyo - 747 (44X) 248
5. Butch Wahl - 741 (47X) 244
6. Jerry Rosenberger - 736 (31X) 242

Thank you all and see ya next month,
