Well, how do I start? O.K., yesterday evening I started getting my 100 6PPC brass ready to load. They have been fired 2 times each not including the fireforming that I did without bullets (powder and wax). I've got my new Harrels FL die in hand and need to set it up to bump the shoulder back about
.001 because I had a click at the top of the bolt stroke on almost all of these after the last firing. I go about setting the die up, inching it down till I had about .001 setback using the bump gauge. All of this time I noticed that I had to keep adjusting the primer punch because it wasn't nearly getting the primer out of the case...(I know, I should have deprimed seperately )...sooooo at any rate I keep adjusting the rod down till the primer falls out at the bottom of the stroke, every thing cool, I finish the 100 brass and go ahead and do the 30 that came with the rifle as well since I've put a Leupold comp 45 on it this week and it will need sighting in, I'll use the older brass for that, every thing is peachy so far. I get out my priming tool and get ready to prime my brass, The first one was a little hard to seat fully, no..., a lot hard to seat enough so that I can slide the brass out of the shellholder, I'm stunned, but hard headed, so I stick another piece of brass into the priming tool and seat another primer...this one will not go in far enough either so I finally put enough force on the priming tool so that I can get the piece of brass out. I'm really scratching my balding head at this point and my faithful English Bulldog Chopper knows that something is amis at this point so he gets up and vacates my space...
Sooooo, I go out to the shop for a depth mike to see whats going on here and lo and behold, all of my primer pockets are about .092 deep. I guess many of you here have figured this out by now and the only thing that I can figure is that while adjusting the decapping rod (which I shouldn't have been doing in the first place because I should have manually deprimed the brass first.........I have over adjusted the depriming rod and while resizing the brass, I pushed the base of the primer pocket back as well. Thats the only thing that my pea brain can come up with at this point. I suspect that I've ruined all of my brass at this point, not that I can't replace it, I just don't think that I can relace it by next weekend so I can go to a match...WOW, I cant believe that with all the years of reloading experience that I have...I did something this stupid!
Any and all suggestions and help would be appreciated at this point.
.001 because I had a click at the top of the bolt stroke on almost all of these after the last firing. I go about setting the die up, inching it down till I had about .001 setback using the bump gauge. All of this time I noticed that I had to keep adjusting the primer punch because it wasn't nearly getting the primer out of the case...(I know, I should have deprimed seperately )...sooooo at any rate I keep adjusting the rod down till the primer falls out at the bottom of the stroke, every thing cool, I finish the 100 brass and go ahead and do the 30 that came with the rifle as well since I've put a Leupold comp 45 on it this week and it will need sighting in, I'll use the older brass for that, every thing is peachy so far. I get out my priming tool and get ready to prime my brass, The first one was a little hard to seat fully, no..., a lot hard to seat enough so that I can slide the brass out of the shellholder, I'm stunned, but hard headed, so I stick another piece of brass into the priming tool and seat another primer...this one will not go in far enough either so I finally put enough force on the priming tool so that I can get the piece of brass out. I'm really scratching my balding head at this point and my faithful English Bulldog Chopper knows that something is amis at this point so he gets up and vacates my space...
Sooooo, I go out to the shop for a depth mike to see whats going on here and lo and behold, all of my primer pockets are about .092 deep. I guess many of you here have figured this out by now and the only thing that I can figure is that while adjusting the decapping rod (which I shouldn't have been doing in the first place because I should have manually deprimed the brass first.........I have over adjusted the depriming rod and while resizing the brass, I pushed the base of the primer pocket back as well. Thats the only thing that my pea brain can come up with at this point. I suspect that I've ruined all of my brass at this point, not that I can't replace it, I just don't think that I can relace it by next weekend so I can go to a match...WOW, I cant believe that with all the years of reloading experience that I have...I did something this stupid!
Any and all suggestions and help would be appreciated at this point.