Maybe my 22-250 AI BBL is toast

If the barrel is long enough you can but be advised there is also erosion farther up the bore than you realize. You'd be ahead just to buy a new barrel. The cost of chambering is the same and you won't get the life out of the old barrel that you will with a new one.
Before going to the expense of cutting the barrel back and rechambering, find someone with a borescope and take a good look at it. If you have a barrel with the throat visibly eroded, the borescope will likely show dry lakebed surface for 1 or 2 inches forward of there and then frosting and pitting for several inches forward of that. Not a good candidate for sinking any money into.
The 22-250 AI is a great round, but I won't use mine in a target rich environment such as prairie dogs or ground squirrels. I reserve mine for the more sedate pace of groundhog shooting.
I guess I'm ok

Problem was Bullets I think perhaps wrong powder also. Just walked in from a trip to local Rifle range. Fired Sierra 69 gr MK in front of 44grs of H4831SC. That combo produced 3,500 FPS and 1/2MOA Sierra manual said it would give me 3400 ??? Then I tried 38grs of H4350 same bullet and that produced 3,375 FPS ( Sierra book said it give me 3,200)and a buck shot pattern on target. Thought maybe bore was now a copper mine. Fired last two H4831 loads and they went into a 3/8MOA. So doesn't this mean my BBL is ok?
.22-250 A.i.

My Hart 1 in 14" barrel in .22-250 AI has considerable throat erosion and firecracking after approx. 1200 rds., but is still shooting accurately. My load is a healthy dose of H380 with a 50 grn. Nosler Ballistic Tip with a velocity of 4150 ft/s. This is the price one pays; throat erosion and firecracking.