Joe Haller
Yea! We're gona shoot this Saturday UP here at Sault Sainte Marie: Cuz Sunday is Mother's Day. I got in trouble with my wife, Mavis a couple of times by making the mistake of scheduling a match on the Second Sunday of May.
As some of you know, our club does not give out trophies or plaques at our matches any more. By doing that, we were able to cut the cost of our entry fees and put away some money for range improvements. This year our club approved a $20,000 range improvement project. It all adds up and better than having a bunch of trophies gathering dust on a shelf.
In the past, maybe 10% of our members would win all the trophies and plaques. The rest would go home with nothing but a memory. For the past 9 years we have been giving EVERYONE who shoots in our Rimfire Matches, a "Competitors Badge". We give out shooting related prizes by luck of the draw. Like one of our RF Gunsmiths once said: "Everyone who steps up to the firing line and shoots the match is a Winner. The only losers are those who don't come out to the range to shoot the match". Who was that Gunsmith?
Below is a copy of the competitors badge we will be giving out this Saturday. Each month we feature one of our club members on the badge. This month it it Susan Hughes. She and her husband Bob own a CNC machine shop. Now that we can't get NRA scoring gauges anymore, Bob & Susan are make a .22 caliber scoring gauge to the official NRA dimensions. The gauge works real well. No plastic magnifier to shine back in your eye.
As some of you know, our club does not give out trophies or plaques at our matches any more. By doing that, we were able to cut the cost of our entry fees and put away some money for range improvements. This year our club approved a $20,000 range improvement project. It all adds up and better than having a bunch of trophies gathering dust on a shelf.
In the past, maybe 10% of our members would win all the trophies and plaques. The rest would go home with nothing but a memory. For the past 9 years we have been giving EVERYONE who shoots in our Rimfire Matches, a "Competitors Badge". We give out shooting related prizes by luck of the draw. Like one of our RF Gunsmiths once said: "Everyone who steps up to the firing line and shoots the match is a Winner. The only losers are those who don't come out to the range to shoot the match". Who was that Gunsmith?
Below is a copy of the competitors badge we will be giving out this Saturday. Each month we feature one of our club members on the badge. This month it it Susan Hughes. She and her husband Bob own a CNC machine shop. Now that we can't get NRA scoring gauges anymore, Bob & Susan are make a .22 caliber scoring gauge to the official NRA dimensions. The gauge works real well. No plastic magnifier to shine back in your eye.