May 28 Match Results - Easthampton Fish & Game, Southampton, MA



It was a fun day, good people, and fine shooting, with five 250s. Special congrats to Walt Tarka who shot his first 250.
Thanks to all for the help setting up and breaking it down. I had a good time today!


Pete Roberson 249 14
Al Hadfield 247 15
Michael Gallant 241 10
Don Barrett 238 4
Penny Hadfield 236 9
Walt Tarka 236 6

Walt Tarka 249 16
Penny Hadfield 248 15
Al Hadfield 247 19
Michael Gallant 247 15
Don Barrett 246 17
Pete Roberson 246 15

Penny Hadfield 250 21
Michael Gallant 250 13
Walt Tarka 249 17
Don Barrett 248 18
Al Hadfield 247 12
Pete Roberson 244 10

Walt Tarka 250 14
Penny Hadfield 249 16
Michael Gallant 249 11
Don Barrett 248 14
Al Hadfield 248 12
Pete Roberson 245 13

Al Hadfield 250 22
Penny Hadfield 250 18
Walt Tarka 249 13
Don Barrett 248 18
Michael Gallant 248 8
Pete Roberson 246 16

Walt Tarka 248 16
Al Hadfield 248 15
Penny Hadfield 246 15
Michael Gallant 246 7
Don Barrett 245 8
Pete Roberson 238 7
Hi Michael,

Yes, we think a good time was enjoyed by all. A very relaxing start to the season.

Our thanks to you for running these matches. And a big thanks to Walt and Don for their hard work in setting up and breaking down.

A special thanks to MaryElllen for providing the delicious snacks!

Al & Penny
Hi Michael,
Great scores by all!
Pete, 249 in sporter WOW!
Penny with 2 250's, Al's 250 with 22X, one more X than Penny's.
Michael another 250!
Walt's first 250.
Don a couple of 248's with high X counts. The 250's will soon be coming.

See you soon.
WOW!!! What a way to kick off the season up here in New England. Great shooting to all.

Nice scores, folks! I really, really wish I had been there....would have been much more fun than getting forced out of our campsite by a flash flood:mad: