May 2023 Sac Valley IR50/50 Results


Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters held their third IR50/50 rimfire match of the year Saturday at the Sacramento Valley Shooting Center
(aka The Ione Triangle), and the 8 shooters who showed up were greeted by a beautiful albeit breezy Spring morning.
Weather was mild, temps in the high 50's to start warming to the high 70's by noon. winds were switchy out of the SSW,
varying from a slight 1/4 tail from 6:00 to 2/3 of a tail from 8:00 with the occasional switch out of 5:00.
One shooter asked "What do I do when my middle flag twirls in a circle, and the tail goes straight up?"

Anyway on to the results,
Match 1:
Card 1 was won by Greg Wilson with a nice 249-12x, 2nd was Brett Berger at 247-9x, Pierre Bigras' 246-10x beating out Dan Lutke's 7x for 3rd.
Card 2 was won by Greg again this time with a 248-9x, Dan's 247-12x repaid Pierre on the tiebreaker by taking 2nd, Pierre 3rd with 247-9x.
Card 3 more of the same, Greg shooting another 249-12x for 1st, Dan 2nd with another 247-12x for 2nd, Marcus Byrne taking 3rd with a 246-10x.
Match 1 was taken by Greg with a nice 746-33x, Dan 2nd with a 740-31x, Pierre taking 3rd with a 733-30x out x'ing Brett's 23x.

For Match 2 conditions were sporting to say the least and the scores were reflected it.
Card 1 was won by Greg with a 248-15x, 2nd was Pierre with a 247-10x, 3rd Marcus with a 246-13x.
Card 2 was taken by Greg again (I'm detecting a pattern here!) with a 246-12x, 2nd was Dan with a 245-10x, 3rd was Pierre with a 244-8x.
Card 3 was Greg with the clean sweep by shooting a 249-11x in arguably the toughest conditions of the day, Dan with a 247-13x, Marcus 3rd at 245-8x.
Match 2 was won by Greg with a 743-38x, followed by Dan again taking 2nd with a 737-34x, Pierre 3rd at 735-25x.

The 6-Card Club Aggregate AKA "The Money Match" pays 4 places, and was won by (suspenseful music plays)...
Greg Wilson with a nice 1489-71x
Dan Lutke 2nd with a 1477-65x
Pierre Bigras 3rd at 1468-55x
Marcus Byrne 4th with a 1463 57x

We will be running a "Modified" class as a Club match at all future matches to try and attract a broader base of participants.
Rules are simple:
Factory Action (No Vudoos, Turbos, 2500's etc.)
No Tuner
Must be shot off Bipod or Bags, (No one piece rests.)
Other then that we don't care what it looks like, weighs, or what's been done to it.

Thanks to all the shooters who showed up including potential new convert Rollie Bowns who came out and shot a few cards with us,
Please tell all your rimfire friends to come out and try the game!
See ya'll in June,

Full results attached.
View attachment May 2023 IR5050 6-Card Agg.pdf
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