MAY 18 Holbrook outdoor AGBR match


Paul Bendix

Holbrook Sportsmen's Club
150 Quincy St
Holbrook, MA 02343

Water and Cold Drinks available all day. Light lunch included.

Airgun Benchrest Signup 11:30, Match starts at 12:30 PM

Three Classes, Springer class, Match class, Unlimited class.

Cost $10.00 for first class, $8.00 for second class and $8.00 for third class,

with prize to high target in each class.

Hope to see you on May 18, 2008.

Paul Bendix
Good match

Good job again on the match today Paul! What a tricky wind we had today:eek:! Once again, thanks for your and everyone elses patience with my equipment issues. I guess I should have known it was going to be another one of those days when my GPS died on the way there.
I was worried in the days leading up to today we would have rain issues and instead I almost needed some sunblock. Other than the previously mentioned tricky winds it was a great day to be outside shooting.

I think we will have to handicap Mr Shea in the future! Perhaos we can make him let me site in his scope before he shoots :)

See you all in a few weeks!

Oh I wish I had taken a picture of that large target you setup for me to adjust my scope it was the biggest one I've ever seen! lol
I feel bad I didn't run a 10 min sight in. I thought you were sighted in from the indoor shoot. I had a target backer set up at 25 yards and you can use that while waiting for the rimfire benchrest to finish. I am deaf so without my hearing aids just smack me to get my attention. Now that I think about it you did say something but I didn't understand. Sorry!
That wasn't a big target maybe 3ft X 5 ft thats all. Again if you have some time in doors 24 hr or outside 9:00 AM to dusk and want to shoot or sight in give me a call or email me.

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