Make a couple of assumptions. (1) The shooter can shoot benchrest pretty well. (2) The shooter can tune a rifle.
Here is what I think: pick a large number, somewhere between 60 and 80 percent. That's the contribution to accuracy of the individual barrel you happen to have.
Of the remaining percentage, pick another large number -- again, 60 to 80 percent. That is the contribution to accuracy of the bullets you are using.
You mention Hawks Ridge. Alvin Johnson either won or placed top 5 in both the year-long 6- and 10- match aggs for Light Gun. (I don't remember exactly. I know he won at least one of these outright. Again.) Alvin has always been tough to beat in L.G., & HG too, far as that goes. But his HG wasn't so good this year.
By the way, Alvin is still shooting the same barrel on his Light Gun that he started with back in 1995. He had to change in HG barrel a while ago.
So, Alvin fulfills (1) and (2) above, but so do a number of people. Does Alvin win so much because he shoots a .30, or because he has a very good barrel?