Maximum barrel diameters


Andy Cross

I am still considering building the 1000 yard unlimited class BR rifle. About a year ago I saw a shooter at my local range who's rifle was sporting a barrel well in excess of two inches in diameter. Probably closer to three.

Are there any barrel makers in the USA who could make a barrel more than two inches in diameter. Most of the web sites I've checked out indicate that two inches is about maximum.

Well, Pac-Nor will make an 2.50. That will cost you $150.00 per inch over I'm-not-sure how long.

On the other hand, you could do what a number of people have done, epoxy a thinner barrel in a heavy tube. Jackie Schmidt did that with his 6PPC rail guns. Believe Jerry Stiller has done something similar. Heat transfer with epoxy isn't the best, so with bigger chamberings, you might be better served with another technique -- using water between the barrel and the tube.

Here is a picture of an 1.250 barrel inside a 5-inch od tube (1/2 inch wall) . . .

This isn't cheap either, but at least you only have to pay the machining bill once, not with every barrel.

BTW, that rifle is for sale. Package deal, rifle & rests. Joel quit shooting 1,000 yard BR.

Edit: But I seem to remember you're in Australia? If so, buying that rifle wouldn't work. There is a 1,000 yard shooter named Jeff Rogers in Oz, who has done work with the tensioned-barrel rifles. In fact, he holds a number of records at 1K and the 500 (meter?) fly shoots. Nice fellow, he'd probably share what he knows with you. Think he uses a 2-inch tube on his HG.
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