Match Results Tacoma, WA. -- Manley Oakley Memorial Trophy


Club Coordinator
On May 4th and 5th, 2013 Tacoma Rifle and Revolver held their 2nd match of the year. This contest would determine the winner of the Manley Oakley trophy. Saturday brought us beautiful blue skies, 80 degree temps and wicked, tricky conditions. All day the wind was very switchy. It was very difficult to get a condition to hold for more than a few seconds. We shot our Sporter class at 100 yards on Saturday morning which was won by Mustafa Bilal with a .2344 agg. That afternoon at 200, Steve Kostanich showed his wind reading abilities and won the yardage (.2850). Don`t laugh at the .285" agg. There were lots of us that would have killed for AN AGG THAT GOOD. Larry Boers won the Sporter grand aggregate for Saturday(.2868).

Sunday brought more beautiful blue skies for us, but the windy conditions didn`t let up much at all. We shot the Heavy Varmint class at 200 yards in the morning. Rick Graham shot a .3030 agg. to win the yardage. At 100 yards, Steve Kostanich took the yardage with a .2368 agg. Steve Kostanich held on to win the HV grand aggregate (.2738") , It was quite a battle between Rick and Steve all day but Steve Kostanich wins the 2 gun with a .2805" Grand agg. Both Rick and Steve were shooting 22 cal rifles on Sunday.

Next month we get to dust off the Rail guns, and get ready for the Sniper King coming up later in July.

next match in Tacoma:
JUN 1 HEAVY VARMINT 100/200 yards
2 UNLIMITED 5 Shot 200/100 yards

Hope to see you there,

Jeff Lewis