Match Results - Harrisons Sportsmans Club


Al Walewski
The following is the match results from a 100 yard Group Match which was held at the Harrison Sportmans Club on Saturday 8/18 2012.

In Combined LV/HV Class:
Jim Hutchison................. .2400 agg
Matt Dardas................... .2508 agg
Brian Albee.................... .2554 agg

In Factory Class:
Bob Zimmer................... .4316 agg
Bob Zimmer................... .4344 agg
Jim Guinn...................... .5038 agg

Congratulations to Jim and Bob for winning their respective classes. That isn't a typo either. Bob picked up a new Cooper to shoot in Factory Class along with his Sako. The winds were gruesome along with the mirage. Plenty of shooters got beat up by the numerous pick ups and switches. You'd be lucky to get two shots off under the same condition before the wind switched and blew.

Thanks to all of those who came out to shoot with us! We had a REALLY good turnout for this match. Hope to see everyone again at our last match of the season! We will be shooting a Score Match on 9/08/2012.

You can see the complete match results by viewing the attachment.


  • Group Match 8-18-2012.pdf
    29.5 KB · Views: 211
It was fun...

The weather was perfect except for the wind which had a problem deciding which way to blow. I never got to shoot two consecutive shots in the same condition. The only good group I shot was mostly luck

I want to apologize to Ron for my smart-a-- remarks on the match announcement. I was kidding and it didn't come off that way.

See everybody at Steve's (Isabella County) match next Saturday. Details on another post. They will shoot group and score at 200 yds. Cost is $20.00 for the day.

Dick Wright