Match Primers

Tod Soeby

New member
What-N-L is up with the "shortage" of match primers. There are none. Zip....Nada.....Zero. I have talked to several mom-&-pop stores, along with 3 big chain stores. I am told the same thing.....12 to 18 months before they see any match primers. :eek: I am looking for Fed 210's and 215's. I would settle for regular 215's, but there arn't any of them left either. I found 1 M&P store with 1000 of them, and they are now mine. I am down to my last 40 match primers. It looks like there are lots of "other" primers left.

I am getting ES numbers around 6 to 8. Question.......would you switch????

..................niether will I!!!!!
Tod, absolutely I would switch. I have used the Fed many years ago in the Palma Game and have since switched to the Russian and have seen sd's of 2 to 4, yes 2's with ES's of 9fps and at 1k yard line that is just the ticket to get into and stay in the X.
I had given a Bench shooter soem Russiand (SR) back acoupla years ago and he got in touch with me and wanted to know where to get more, that was during the time that they were nor available and he had to wait for them they are now plentiful.

I checked out their website. What is the brand name of the Russian primers. Of the ptimers that Powder Valley lists, the only ones I DON'T recognize is CHEDDITE and WOLF. Are either if these the primers that you are talking about? Does anybody else out there use these primers?


Wolf primers are the Russians that I read about?
Your assumption is correct! The El Lobo primers are in fact t5he Russian primers. The added benefit of the Russian/Wolf is that they are a bvit larger and will seat harder in those cases that are on the loose side.

Your assumption is correct! The El Lobo primers are in fact t5he Russian primers. The added benefit of the Russian/Wolf is that they are a bvit larger and will seat harder in those cases that are on the loose side.

Thanks for that information.
I was considering trying the wolf primers but have been a little reluctant. One of the reasons I use CCI is the above.

Widners has them as well, about half the price of the fed and lots of them, they have worked will in my guns, you can't go wrong.
Ron Tilley
One other thing that need saying is that the Ruassian primers NEED to be sensitised a bit once the primer hits the bottom of the case pocket, if you do not seat them with a bit of sensitivity they will fail to fire.
The brisence of the Russian is on par with the Winchester LR primers and will light ball powders very well or the longer cases full of powder.

The only reason I really, really don't wan't to switch (besides the single digit ES and SD around 4) is that I am near the end of life on this BBL. I have 740 rounds through it (300 WBY). My smith says that 10 shot groups DESTROY LG sized BBL's, and that BBL life is cut in half by shooting 10 shot groups. I have been shooting this gun in LG and HG. I don't want to do any more load development.......I will try and make due with non-match 215 primers. I am going to buy some Wolf primers, just not try them in this gun.

I still haven't gotten an answer as to why only FED MATCH primers are the only ones that are in such short supply. Someone said some dribble about the millitary, but I just don't buy it!!!
Tod Soeby

Tod do you know of anybody who can ship them to you if I had some spare ones?
I tried it once and they need to go through a shipper with a hazardous materials certificate and it was very costly just for primers.
Here's a great idea.

Go buy some BR2's, WLR's or WLRM's and be done with it. What's the big deal?

If Federals were free and plentiful, I'd still buy BR2's and WLR's.
Oh, by the way, Bruno's has been out of them since early May!!! So has everyone else on the friggen planet!! :mad::mad::mad:

Mr. Tod Soeby I have several thousands of them, but not for sale. Mr. Tod Soeby next time you may follow; If something is good, buy it when you can and more than you need.

fFacts Sir, just the facts---

Wolf primers as one good poster said, require a two step process: seat then seat harder. That are made at the low end of the brisance scale but are at the od max limits for SAAMI specs. your will find them with a SD that is at match winning level and I am a 40 year useer of CCI-Br-2's, second choice.

As to why shortage, there is going to be another major military conflict or or you all on the ice cap??? Overbore

in your roundtoit file , i have posted primer sd's on ;)

I bought a case each of the Wolf LRM & SRM primers from PV a few months ago, because they were out of the std. primers in each size. German Salazar says the only difference between Wolf's std. & magnum primers is the that the mag primers have a slightly thicker cup. So far, I've used the LRMs with H4831 & Berger 180s in the 284 Win., with pretty decent ES & SDs, and accuracy at 1000 that is on par with what I get with F210s. The SRMs are doing a good job in the 6x47L also, but in that case, I feel the R7-1/2 is still the better choice.