It was a good day for a match weather was nice, the conditions were pretty switchy and you could get caught real easy. Dale Avery was the only shooter that stayed clean and he won VFS with 250-3x, Terry Hollady was 2nd w 249-9x and I got 3rd w 249-6x. In modified we had a husband -wife team take the honors Terry Hendrix won and his pretty wife Kelly was 2nd( this was her first 200 yd match and 2nd match ever I think) and she shot well w 241-3x and Terry had a 246. I'm doing these scores from memory and I have CRS so take that into account. We only had 1 factory shooter and I can't think of his name but he shot a 241 score I think. Sorry for the sketchy report but maybe Phillip will fill in the holes when he gets a chance. Thanks to the ones who helped run the match and thanks to all that came to shoot! See ya next month.