match at the Rock 9-26-15

It was pretty crappy day for the match with light rain and switchy winds blowing in your face so everything ended up wet, not conducive to great scores. The turnout was light with 15 shooters, 8 VFS, 4 mod and 3 factory guns. Joe Allen won VFS with a good for the conditions 250-17x, Jim Cothern was 2nd w 250-17x also.( Jim was shooting Joe's gun after he had a trigger failure on his) Gary Hendrix was 3rd w 250-14x. Carey Graham was 1st in Factory w 246-7x and Jessica Lasley was 2nd w 242-6x. Jake Smith won Modified w 249-13x and Terry Hendrix was 2nd w 249-10x. Thanks to all that came to shoot and a special thanks to the Hendrix crew for their work to put on the match, rain really adds to the effort required to hold a match and we appreciate ya'lls effort. Next month winds up the season at 200, hope to see ya there!