Match at the Rock 2-2-08

steve stanley

Well-known member
What a beautiful day for a match, it started out realitively cool at around 30 for the start and warmed to near 60 for the finish with sunshine and light winds. The conditions were about as good as it gets for the Rock, pretty light but you got a different condition just about every time you went to the bench. Some folks took advantage of the conditions and shot very well. Larry Isenhour won VFS with a 250-22x( this ties the range record and he did it with a ppc and we didn't plug any shots, if it didn't touch you didn't get it)Gerald Wright was 2nd w/250-21x and (old blind hog) Steve Stanley stumbled in 3rd w/250-20x. George Neal continued to kick a** in custom class with a 250-15x, Butch Mays was 2nd w248-12x and Ken Eades was 3rd w/247-12x. Charles Ellerston cleaned house in factory class with a 246-6x score as he was the only factory gun to show, Folk's beg for a factory class and this is what usually happens after a few matches they quit coming. I hope this turns around next month. The turnout was down today for some reason ( certainly not the weather) we had 27 guns today 18 VFS, 8 custom, and 1 factory, we had 38 guns last month. The custom class is healthy with good particapation and I really like to see that because that is where new benchrest shooters will come from. The chilli and naner pudding were great again as usual( we had a first today, Roy even took some chilli home. Thank's to Roy's wife for the food and Roy and Maurice for running the match and all the other folks that helped out, it is appreciated by all. Good shooting guys and ecspecialy Larry, you had that ppc humming and did a great job of driving it, the conditions were good but you could still get bit real easy if you didn't pay attention. I hope to have a good turnout for the final match of the winter on Mar. 1, it will be a 200 yd match with Roy's special targets, See ya there, Steve
Match #3

Good shooting Larry and same goes for the other winners. Chili and puddin was great as usual THANKS ROY.

Mike Davis
Great shooting Larry and Gerald!!! And the rest of you fellows I have not had the honor to meet. Looks like you two can shoot great at long or short range!!! I hope to join you next year for some score shooting. Samuel Hall (at work) in NC.
Larry Isenhour won VFS with a 250-22x( this ties the range record and he did it with a ppc


I hope to have a good turnout for the final match of the winter on Mar. 1, it will be a 200 yd match with Roy's special targets, See ya there, Steve

What are the special targets?

Charles Ellerston cleaned house in factory class with a 246-6x score as he was the only factory gun to show, Folk's beg for a factory class and this is what usually happens after a few matches they quit coming

Does factory class allow for aftermarket triggers or trigger "improvements?

Thanks for the update,
What are the special targets?
For 200 yards, the target for the first match was the 100-yard score target, with the rings fattened up a bit so you can see them better. Hard, but fair.
Does factory class allow for aftermarket triggers or trigger "improvements?
Yes. Unless you know what you are doing with triggers, we'd all prefer you have a safe aftermarket trigger. You can also recrown (I did) and rebed (I did that too). You CANNOT set the barrel back -- my .223 chamber is about .010 over the SAMMI minimum in just about every measurement except headspace.
I'm posting this in response to a post by Charles on another thread, and No I didn't take offense to the statement as I didn't take this as a complaint just an informational post, We do not plug targets and if its to close to call I look at it under the magnifyer and call it as I see it so if any competitor thinks his target has been scored wrong, please speak up and we will look at it under the big magnifyer and if we still don't agree on the score, we will let Roy make the final decision. I don't want anyone to think they were treated unfairly and I try my best to be fair,but Lord knows I make mistakes and have for years so I'm pretty good at it and I don't take offence to someone asking for another look. Now I do ask that you be reasonable and ask nicely and be willing to accept the results good or bad and wait awhile if necessary as Roy and I both shoot as well as take care of the scoring and whatever else comes up and also remember this is for fun not life or death. I havn't heard many complaints and I hope there havn't been many, but we want everyone to feel that they got a fair shake because I love these matches and the only way to have them is for you guys and gals to come shoot and we want everyone to have a good time. Thanks, Steve
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Right, Steve. The no-plugging wasn't a complaint. I thought the scoring extremely even & fair. My comment was direct more at that, in my limited experience, if you plug a number of close shots, you'll get more of the higher value than if you don't.

In some ways, this is just the same as scoring in a group match. Is it really .254, or is it .253? Hard to see .001. If you re-scored all the targets (in group), would the places change? Maybe. All we can ask for is consistency & fairness in scoring, and we had that at Rockingham.
We don't

plug at Denton either. If there's a question about whether the bullet hole is touching, our match director makes a decision and I've never heard a complaint about his judgment.

With the guys in the custom and factory classes shooting everything from 17's to 30's the no plug sure makes it simpler to score and as long as they are scored the same it makes no difference in who wins. I just wanted to make sure that everyone felt comfortable about asking to have a target looked at if they had a question. see ya next time, steve
No Plugs Needed

Steve you and Roy do a great job with the targets. Maurice also runs the line great. I have had a blast shooting score this winter and hope to shoot next year as well. Keep doing what you all have been doing and everyone will have LOTS OF FUN.

Lets keep it FUN
Mike Davis
Sure sounds like we missed some good times Saturday...I guess I'll have to try and enjoy it twice as much in March!

Congrats to all the winners! Wish I could have been there to congratulate you!
