Match at Roanoke VA This weekend (Range Update)

Was there today. The place looked like Doral Country Club (as gun ranges go). Total upgrade to the facility. Road opened up and trimmed back from the entrance to the parking lot which is over a mile. Totally clear for any style of camper w no tree limb issues. Electric completely redone. Large and I am sure very expensive retaining wall built on the Parking lot which was leveled out a great deal. They also built new target frames and moving backers. Food will be available both days.

Gil Grosse, Mike Jennings and club VP Eppes Foster and I am sure many others have worked countless hours and the club has committed a large sum of capital to make this happen and now it is up to us. It is obvious the club board has bought into this. If we do not support this endeavor and lose this range with the positive attitude the club has about this we will have no one to blame but ourselves. We will own all these expensive toys and equipment and no where to go and play with them.

***** On the road in there are several houses which are very obnoxious about dust and give the club a very hard time. Please maintain the posted 10 mph speed limit and keep our sport as friendly as possible.

Please come out and support their efforts..

Hope to see you there..
couldn't work this weekend into the schedule .....

... but I have blocked off the dates in Sept. Hope there is a great turn-out this weekend and everyone has a great time!
No exaggeration by Wayne, these folks have worked their butts off. And have done a very good job to boot!