Match 54 barrel change



thinking about a barrel change, am i right in saying that the barrel is held in by just the two retaining location pins or is there a glue used aswell, if so what glue is used
The pins are a redundancy. The barrel can be pressed out[best] or driven out with a soft drift.
There used to be a video available from Border barrels on how to change an Anschutz barrel. I don't know if it's still available or not, but best I remember the original barrel is pressed in ( the video also showed how to get it out) and not glued. The replacement; however, was glued only with the pins being replaced only to make it look good. It did not look overly difficult but I would think one would either want a little gunsmithing experience or a little gunsmith.
I've heard many times that Anschutz barrels are very difficult to remove. Best left to an experienced gunsmith. Just my .02 worth.
the last one I removed was pretty easy,,made a soft drift and knocked it out with a brass hammer...The only bad thing about rebarrelling one is that the barrel has .005 taper on it from chamber to shoulder..Very hard to cut this taper on a lathe without a lot of trial and error..Best bet is have someone thread the action ..This was on a 64 action,,can`t say for sure on the 54 though...
The older 54 barrels were esier to take off and could be pounded out with a drift. The newer one's use some type of adhesive along with the press fit and you can pound yourself silly breaking the joint on those. Use a barrel press with collars made for the receiver so you don't buggar up the front of the receiver.

Replacing the pins is a PITA and unless you plan to go oversize they arn't going to hold like the originals.
