march scopes



which reticlte do target shooters prefer i was told the mtr-1 also the the ends of scope have threaded caps ,and lighted reticles,what,im reading is you can see better ,just wondering how they compaer with nightforce benchrest scopes,any help would be appreciated
Had both, had to use the night force to see the holes at 500 yds. now only use night force...... jim
A dozen Nightforce's is about $14,000. A dozen March's is about $25,000. Summed, and adding in your Leupold, that's around $40,000 in scopes.

But if your point is "There is no *best*," I'm with you.
I think Leupold owns stock in UPS.... jim

I agree Jim, however, they would soon sell that stock if more shooters (owners of Leupolds) would see their local psychiatrist once in a while to take care of their own "demons"... :)
I think Leupold owns stock in UPS.... jim

I had two of them and both had to go for rides in the "Big Brown Truck".... one twice....
Have been on NF's ever since. One of which have had it for +11-yrs now that has been rode hard and swapped back and forth to several guns/calibers, that works flawless yet.... DM
I have two 12-50 Nightforce NXS Scopes. About $2,000 each Very good scopes. A little big and heavy but never have had a problem. Hold Zero and track perfect.

I have several, over a dozen, Lepold scopes. Good scopes for the $.

I have not had a March due to limited warranty and high cost.

Last year I got a Sightron III 10-50 as price was about 1/2 the Nightforce (About $1,000). So far no problems. Optics are almost equal to the Nightforce. So far it holds zero and tracks perfect. Like the Nightforce it is big and heavy.
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People seem to forget that there are several March scopes. There was a thread or two a while back where most allowed that the fixed power 50X was a disappointment, whereas the variable 10-60X was a treat.

I have a Nightforce 12-42 BR that is not real clear. People who've looked through it allow it's disappointing, and probably not typical. For that reason, I like the optics of my Sightron III 10-50X 60 better. Price wasn't 1/2 the NF, though. The cheapest I could find a Sightron was about $850, and a new NF-BR 12x42 is more like $1,425.

I find the side focus of the Sightron terrible, apparently the quality of that adjustment varies across individual scopes. A larger wheel might help.

Don't know if we've collected enough data on the durability or any POI shifts with the Sightron so far... But I put one on a .22 RF, and could easily quarter the x-dot on a 50-yard rimfire BR target, indoors! Pretty darn good.
Charles, Why don't you send the NF. back and get it repaired,if there is a problem. Where can you buy a sightron 10-50 for 850.00 unless it's used? They are all over 1000.00 now...... jim
Jim, I got my Sightron from a friend who is a dealer. I did have to pay local sales tax, but it was still the best deal going. Before that, I researched prices and found

That's a current link. When I first found it, price was around $850. & BTW, that's all I know, I know nothing about the company, good or bad.

As for the Nightforce, It works. If I send it back, I figure I'm just as likely to get it back in the same shape, and wind up paying for that.

And truth be told, I have a terrible time shipping anything. I'm a year and a half into a project because I can't get my act together enough to ship Don Stith an old pre-A Winchester 52 stock so he can make me a sporter stock for my old .22 action. One day I'll just drive up there -- it'll only take a day of driving, that I can do. I never promise to send people anything, because I'd probably fail. Some day the shrinks will come up with a term for that affliction.
Charles, i sent 2 NF scopes back, the first was to change it to 1/8 clicks and one had a rest drop on it and had 1/8 done clicks also, great people to deal with. I would call and talk to somebody..... I have a Sightron 10-50 resting on the shelf..... jim
I recently sent a Nightforce back because of the clarity, they told me 4 to 6 weeks I had it back in a week and a half and it is now crystal clear. They did question me as to whether the lenses were clean before I sent it.

They were fantastic; I got an email receipt when it arrived at their location and a phone call when it was done. Pretty hard to say anything bad about Nightforce warranty.

A good friend of mine has March Scopes, he also sent one back because of clarity, he too had no issues what so ever with warranty.

Both are great scopes, the only reason I don't have a March is because the budget won’t allow it. Maybe someday and if that day comes I wont hesitate to buy one.

Reticle, I think is more shooter preference; I have a CH1, CH3 and a NR-R2 and like them all. The next one will probably be another NP-R2, I used to be die hard clean cross hair or dot and was totally against too much going on with a cross hair, but I like the NP-R2 much better than I thought I would