MARCH Scope Power & Reticle

Bill Scheider

Bill Scheider
Need feedback from current MARCH scope users.

Power for short-range Group Benchrest _ ?

Preferred reticle - ?

Equipment Lists show predominance of 50x for Group.

Score shooters are listing some 60x.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Scope preferences

Need feedback from current MARCH scope users.

Power for short-range Group Benchrest _ ?

Preferred reticle - ?

Equipment Lists show predominance of 50x for Group.

Score shooters are listing some 60x.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Personally I like 50 power
Middle size dot--I believe is 3/32
Also like the LR--raised reticle--able to see the last 2 and sometimes 3 flags through scope at 200 yards
I shoot all short (100-200 yard benchrest) range group matches

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Scope preferences

Need feedback from current MARCH scope users.

Power for short-range Group Benchrest _ ?

Preferred reticle - ?

Equipment Lists show predominance of 50x for Group.

Score shooters are listing some 60x.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Personally I like 50 power
Middle size dot--I believe is 3/32
Also like the LR--raised reticle--able to see the last 2 and sometimes 3 flags through scope at 200 yards
I shoot all short (100-200 yard benchrest) range group matches

Need feedback from current MARCH scope users.

Power for short-range Group Benchrest _ ?

Preferred reticle - ?

Equipment Lists show predominance of 50x for Group.

Score shooters are listing some 60x.

Any feedback would be appreciated.


36-55x set at 55x most of the time these days, mostly 100 and 200 yards.
Reticle is such a personal preference thing - I like the smallest dot, 1/16", which helps me identify the intersection of the cross hairs, but doesn't get in the way.
I also like the raised reticle, which lets me see a couple of flags at 200 and beyond.
Need feedback from current MARCH scope users.

Power for short-range Group Benchrest _ ?

Preferred reticle - ?

Equipment Lists show predominance of 50x for Group.

Score shooters are listing some 60x.

Any feedback would be appreciated.


Well Bill I don't shoot group, just score, but I have 3 different power range March scopes and to me my favorite is the 10-60. Advantage is that u have a wide power range and you can dial it down to take some of the mirage away, plus it's great to set it on 10X to set up your flags. Can't do that with my straight 40 or 36x55. I personally like the 3/32 dot, but for group, maybe the 1/16 would be just a tad better. Just my opinion.
I hope to get into a March scope this fall. Leaning towards the 36 x 55, but haven't ruled out a fixed. That said, would I be giving up much going with a 40x as opposed to a 50x? I've mostly shot 36X Leupolds, so I'm not accustomed to higher magnification. Mirage and clarity would be my only concerns (but based on how many guys are winning with 50X, those concerns are probably unfounded). Any input would be appreciated.


I hope to get into a March scope this fall. Leaning towards the 36 x 55, but haven't ruled out a fixed. That said, would I be giving up much going with a 40x as opposed to a 50x? I've mostly shot 36X Leupolds, so I'm not accustomed to higher magnification. Mirage and clarity would be my only concerns (but based on how many guys are winning with 50X, those concerns are probably unfounded). Any input would be appreciated.



Lee I had bought a used 50 March. Bought it from a friend in PA who bought 3 of them. He told me the one he sold me was the clearest of the 3. He sold the other 2 also because he wasn't impressed with the clarity. I'll have to agree. When I looked thru my 10-60 set on 50 and looked thru the straight 50 it was like night and day. I read a thread on here some time ago about people complaining about the varied clarity of the straight 50's. I talked to Jim Kelbley about it and if what I remember correctly what he said was that Deon used 2 different coatings on their glass and 1 was way better than the other. I believe he called and talked the the people at Deon and asked why would u use two different coatings when one was more superior than the other. I'm pretty sure that they listened to his advice and that they use just one coating on all their scopes. I hope that the current production 50's are better than the older ones. I bought a straight 40 and a 36-55. I like them both, but not as much as my tactical 10-60. to me the extra money that I paid for it was worth it. If I run into mirage I just crank it back to 30-35 and it takes some of it away. When I set my flags, I crank it to 10. When I shoot 100 yards I set it 40-45. 200 & 300 yards 50-60. It just does it all in my book. If your looking for a 40, my friend from PA bought a new one with a 3/32 dot in it at the end of April and wants to sell it now along with all his Leups & a NF Comp. He tried one of those new Weaver 46's and he totally thinks that it better than sliced bread so he wants to buy 2 more. To each is own, that why we have Fords & Chevy's.
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Lee I had bought a used 50 March. Bought it from a friend in PA who bought 3 of them. He told me the one he sold me was the clearest of the 3. He sold the other 2 also because he wasn't impressed with the clarity. I'll have to agree. When I looked thru my 10-60 set on 50 and looked thru the straight 50 it was like night and day. I read a thread on here some time ago about people complaining about the varied clarity of the straight 50's. I talked to Jim Kelbley about it and if what I remember correctly what he said was that Deon used 2 different coatings on their glass and 1 was way better than the other. I believe he called and talked the the people at Deon and asked why would u use two different coatings when one was more superior than the other. I'm pretty sure that they listened to his advice and that they use just one coating on all their scopes. I hope that the current production 50's are better than the older ones. I bought a straight 40 and a 36-55. I like them both, but not as much as my tactical 10-60. to me the extra money that I paid for it was worth it. If I run into mirage I just crank it back to 30-35 and it takes some of it away. When I set my flags, crank it to 15. When I shoot 100 yards I set it 40-45. 200 & 300 yards 50-60. It just does it all in my book. If your looking for a 40, my friend from PA bought a new one at the end of April and wants to sell it now along with all his Leups & a NF Comp. He tried one of those new Weaver 46's and he totally thinks that it better than sliced bread so he wants to buy 2 more. To each is own, that why we have Fords & Chevy's.

after looking at the 40 power fixed and the 50 power fixed for a few years at the super shoot I came ot the same conclusion about the 50 power, only Jim or Kelblys would know if they changed the coating on the 50 power and if so when,

so I bought a 40 and you are not giving up much if anything,

you really need to look through both BEFORE you make up your mind, and expensive changeover if you find the other one better down the road,

I like the 10-60x variable enough that I have several, I believe Randy Jarvais who was almost Score Shooter of the year last year and has a real good shot at winning it this year uses the same . I use the 1/8 dot as the 1/16th is too small for me , they now offer the 3/32 which would be a good choice in my mind. I have looked through a lot of March scopes and never seen anything sharper. The 36-55 might be a good choice but two I looked through fell far short of my present scopes in sharpness. IMO whatever you do don't go with the straight 50x

PS: For group you probably do not want a dot.
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you need to consider weight if you're shooting a variable on a LV rig and like 99% of group shooters I know we like the dot- as small as they offer
Bottom line

You can group shoot and win with 30X or greater. To do well, the scope can't change point of impact between shots. Clarity and power are just icing on the cake.

I struggled a moment...before I changed 36X to 30X...maybe shouldn't have.