Manatee Gun Club IR5050 match results

DJB in Wi

New member
Today was a gorgeous day. It got up to 78 and the winds were about 0-10, but from 3 directions with a light overcast most of the match. I was glad to see Neil Ewing shoot a 250-15X. Good shooting buddy.He still has it in him. He started out with an old Win 52 that Calfee worked his magic on many years ago. Then he switched rifles after the 131/2 class............. Just try to stick to one rifle next time. Joe Turturro was on my heals a lot. Hang in there buddy.:p Your Calfee is nipping at the Falcons heals.:eek:.... I want to thank Emmett Graham for coming out and shooting his first IR5050 match with us. Randy...your next. Thank you all for coming out. Next match is the 27th of April. Doug


Doug Bell..........250-19X
Pete Wass..........247-13X
Bob Piossa..........243-8X
Joe Turturro........239-10X
Tom Pampalone...232-3X


Doug Bell............250-15X
Joe Turturro.........249-21X
Neil Ewing............247-14X
Dick Volk..............245-11X
Bob Piossa.............244-12X
Pete Wass..............242-10X
Emmett Graham.....234-7X


Neil Ewing...............250-15X
Dick Volk.................248-12X
Doug Bell.................247-11X
Joe Turturro..............247-10X
Bob piossa.................240-9X
Tom Pampalone..........239-8X
Pete Wass...................238-6X
Emmett Graham..........229-6X

3 Gun

Doug Bell....................747-45X
Joe Turturro.................735-41X
Pete Wass....................727-29X

Unlimited #1

Doug Bell.....................250-16X
Joe Turturro..................250-16X
Neil Ewing.....................248-18X
Dick Volk.......................246-13X
Bob Piossa......................246-12X
Tom Pampalone...............244-10X
Emmett Graham..............233-5X
Pete Wass........................230-3X


Doug Bell.........................249-11X
Dick Volk..........................248-12X
Joe Turturro......................247-14X
Neil Ewing.........................246-13X
Bob Piossa.........................241-7X
Tom Pampalone..................240-10X
Pete Wass...........................236-4X

Un. #3

Doug Bell............................249-17X
Joe Turturro.........................249-15X
Dick Volk..............................246-11X
Bob Piossa.............................245-11X
Neil Ewing..............................243-10X
Pete Wass...............................238-4X

3 Card agg

Doug Bell................................748-44X
Joe Turturro.............................746-45X
Dick Volk.................................740-36X