makes you feel old



I turn 65 this november and I was shooting at the ARA nationals this weekend. While standing looking at the scores and standings I overheard this lady say I know you shot a 2250 but there are others who shot that also. I looked down at this little wisp of a girl with long hair and freckles and chuckled to myself, what am i doing here I haven't been able to shoot a 2000 all day. It makes you feel old but at the same time you are glad to see the future of the sport do well. Congratulations to all the Juniors a job well done.

I was talking to Tanner Hollen, also one of the top juniors, and I've pretty much decided juniors should be penalized. Their eyes are better, they rely on liquid and not crystal intelligence, and thier reflexes are better. They're made for the game. But, all joking aside, it is good to see people who may be interested in the shooting BR in the future. I think we need all we can get.
Wish each of us "old timer shooters" could add at least one new younger shooter to the game. That would be a better legacy than all the bug holes and high scores in my opinion.
I have to agree with the "old" feeling

I attended the Nationals with hopes of placing a little better than last year, but soon realized that would not happen (got to practice more! :)).
But when I saw that my son was 5th overall after 2 targets my nationals experience was better than ever. He finished 24th overall, 1st junior, with an agg of 2134.375. I hope I dont sound like I am bragging, just one very proud papa!

Watching the junior shooters compete and the level of patience that they have and the fact that they want to learn, is wonderful.

I would love to see the Nationals have many more juniors, they are the future of our sport and even if they do not take it into their adult lives, they have memories that will last a lifetime.


Congratulations to all the Juniors a job well done.
Railfly, Beau, DaletheMan, straightshooter, Bill S,
The juniors are the future of our sport and I agree with Beau, their eyes are better. That is my excuse. Aside of that I must agree with Bill S Brag brag brag. I assume you mean Noah Johns. That boy shot the lights out. I was told he would keep doing so and I witnessed it. He shot very well! The future of our sport is the Juniors! We need to bring the juniors to the Nationals. My kids are a bit too young....7 years and 2 years. They will be there when they are able to handle a rifle and only if they want to. Congrats Daletheman...Noah did well!

That freckle face little girl was my 10 year old daughter Reagan. We had just heard that a 2300 had won that target and she was excited, thinking she might get a plaque for that target. She didn't.
Reagan started shooting last year with her papa (Fred Sears). She had a great time at the ARA nationals. She usually shoots RBA or IR50/50. She wanted to place higher (she was 5th in the Juniors). Watch out for her next year - she wants to come back and get one of those eagle trophys! :)
I'd personally like to thank everyone for being so nice to her over the weekend. Several of you went out of your way to ask her how whe was doing and encourage her. Thanks!
Actually while Noah Johns did really well... "Dale the Mans" son is Chris Wells,the Junior winner.
I made a mistake...Chris Wells was the junior champion and he earned it! Every shooter at this years ARA Nationals earned their place. He used what looked simple and made it work. It wasn't simple in shooting, only what we saw on the flags and probes looked simple the impacts were different. . He just deciphered it in a better way than most folks. Congrats Daletheman 3 and Chris Wells! Hope you had as good of a time as I did.

I was told that Noah John's would shoot well and keep it up. I didn't keep up with his connection as far as family either (my fault). He did well too. All the juniors competed and did well. They all had better eyes than me. I'm sticking to that. Otherwise they can just keep beating me. I'm fine with that as long as they stay in this sport. We need a future.


Tell Chirs I said he done real well. Superb shooting. Ask him if he would give some of us older shooters any pointers. :D

Does Chris have is own gun, or did he shoot yours?

Tell Chirs I said he done real well. Superb shooting. Ask him if he would give some of us older shooters any pointers. :D

Does Chris have is own gun, or did he shoot yours?

He shoots a Brock 40x with a Broughton. I thought about using that gun myself after seeing how well he was doing but then thought I might give him some bad ju ju so I kept on with my Turbo. :D