Maine- Capitol City R&P IR 50/50 UL June 5th



Despite heavy rains early, nine shooters turned out for the third match of the season. After the rains subsided, we found zero to 3 mph wind and no sun...near perfect conditions.


UL 1
Wayne Harvey 248-13x
John Picher 247-11x
Gary Hamilton 247 10x

John Picher 250-19x*
Wayne Harvey 249-20x
Gary Hamilton 249-15x

John Picher 249-9x
Paul Maheux 248-16x
Gary Hamilton 248-11x

This was John's first 250, and he's pleased with the X-Count. A great "new" rifle and a good bench draw helped. Thanks for making a great rifle Butch Hongisto. (I hope Brian Brandt's newer rifle shoots as good as the 40X he sold to me.)

Congratulations on the 250 John. Good X count too. We'll be looking for more next month. :D

Ken Henderson
Thanks Ken, but conditions like that only come once in a blue moon at Cap City and it's the first decent bench draw (right side) I've gotten this year. Still, the new rifle knows how to do it now, maybe it needed to be shown?

The local competition has gotten much tougher the last two years, so I needed an equipment upgrade and am glad I did it.

Great scores and congratulations on your 250! Hope to shoot with you a couple of matches this summer.
See you soon.


Guess it doesn't matter now, does it? It seems we're sympatico!


Looking forward to seeing you again. Things will be a bit tougher for you this year. Lots of new talent around...not to mention awakenings. :)

John, Congratulations on your first 250 and a nice X count, too! I just checked your match schedule, and we'll be camping in Old Orchard on 7/24. If I can squeeze the guns and shooting gear in with the camping gear, I'd love to come shoot at Capitol City again!

Hope you can make the match, but if not, hope you still have a great time camping.

I'm still trying to get to your range this summer and may make it, but we've got most of the weekends tied up with a wedding at our house, family reunions, grandkids birthdays, Cap City matches and a trip to Prince Edward Island.

I hardly have time to shoot and play golf!!!


Great shooting, and I sure hope that all of your future 250's stay at the Range and not on the Links. :rolleyes: :mad: But either way, I know you'll be seeing many more of them.

John, Congratulations on the 250 and to Wayne, Gary and Paul for the fine scores and X counts. I am also hoping to get up to shoot at your range. Paul Bendix talks it up when he attends our matches.

Thanks Dave and Michael.

Michael: All shooters are welcome. We don't give big prizes, but match fees are low and we have a lot of fun!

Dave: The more I shoot, the less golf I play, so scores are going up for both. Unfortunately, golf scores have no pre-set limits.
