I know the weight limit is 10.5 #. What variance is allowed for scale error? Is it 10.54 max ? TIA............. Jan
Hey Mr S. I think it differs between the IBS and the NBRSA. IBS rules are on the IBS site, NBRSA?? who knows where they are??I know the weight limit is 10.5 #. What variance is allowed for scale error? Is it 10.54 max ? TIA............. Jan
in the NBRSA, the variance is 1/2 ounce.
In IBS you are allowed a 1-ounce leeway: 10-lbs. 9-oz. is MAX with the gun in competitive form. If you use any appurtenances like sun shades, mirage shields, etc., they must be included in the weight.
I cannot find a variance rule in the NBRSA rule book, BUT, many ranges do not even weigh the rifles before during or after the contests. I do not really care what weight opponents use in
competition. I just want to be w/i the rules. TIA.......... Jan
Jan, just wondering where it says that the weights have to be re-certified every 3 years. It's hard for me to see the official weights changing in weight from one year to the next or ever. I try to have an ounce under on my rifles, just to be safe and I have a set of official weights to check my scales.In the NBRSA the clubs are suppose to have "Certified Weights" on site to be positive the weight is correct. This is costly and the weights have to be re-certified every 3 years.
Weighing and weights have been discussed several times before.
Ill bring up the point that I have brought up before.
At different clubs I have seen different procedures concerning WHEN guns are weighed for registered matches.
Some weigh at registration, some before the commence fire of the first match, some randomly during the match, some only the winners.
I witnessed a man DQed on the second day of a match because they weighed at the beginning of the 2nd day.
There are those that always bring up the point that it is the competitor's responsibility to make sure their gun is within specs.
While this is true the only guarantee that any of us would have would be that we buy our own certified weight, since many of us dont have access to scales and weights prior to matches.
Why is it so difficult to just make it mandatory to either weigh at registration? OR at least before the first match?
Check the NBRSA Rule Book, Revision 37, page 39. Weighing of rifles shall be on a random basis at the end of a match. This eliminates using one rifle for weighing and then switching rifles or adding parts back on. Read the rule book for the full article.