Luther Owens Range



For those thinking about comeing to the first shoot, I've got a link for information on the range...
...along with a map to get there...
Todays project will be to build all new target stands, I was amazed yesterday by how badly the old ones were shot up. The list of shooters keeps growing with several dedicated Airgunners joining the dedicated BR'ers so it will be very interesting.
Just boxed up your targets

Your targets should arrive early next week to your house.

Also, the front site on my rifle is 18mm in size but I can not read the actual aperture size. I believe it might be 4mm
Thanks, one of these days, hopefully before the match, I'll have to get some sites on a gun and see how they work 8>)
Target are available

Just recieved a voice mail from Don confirming that he has recieved his targets that We sent out last week and wanted everyone else to know that there orders will ship out this week. I picked up the boxes yesterday and will package everyones orders tonight.
The weather forcast is for 40 in the morning and a high in the 50s. All is ready except for my to get to that sometime this week. The only snag was that the water is turned off in the cabin for the winter so it's porta pottys.

I thought that all you Arkies had outdoor plumbing anyway. HA. Good luck with your match on Saturday. Just wish I could come up but I'm recovering from appendix last Thursday and don't think I could ride that far.
Be sure and post the results.
Larry Burchfield