Luray Shoot

I was wondering the same thing myself? But, haven't seen anything posted any where. Maybe they'll post result in a week or so.
I posted a request for the names of the winners at Piney Hill on another forum and the response was the official results will be posted tomorrow night on the IR 50/50 Website. A good friend talked to Ken Camper and was told that Ken won Sporter and 3 Gun Yards on Saturday. Apparently they also shot meters on Saturday but Ken had to leave to take care of farm duties. Ken did not know who won meters or 6 gun.

My plan was to shoot Sporter on Friday but winter forced a delay of the match. I had so much debris in my yard from the ice and snow storm I was unable to shoot this weekend.

Congratulations to Ken Camper for your Sporter and 3 Gun Yards Victories!

My earlier information was not entirely correct! Ruthus540 on another forum posted the following:

Just got off the phone and here is what I found out:

Sporter Agg: Mike Poole 746 49x
3 Gun Yard Agg: Ken Camper 749 50x
3 Gun Meter Agg: Mike Poole 746 47x

Congratulations to both Mike and Ken. That is allot of targets for one day! And we all know how conditions change in the chicken house in the coarse of a regular match much less a 9 target match.

Great shooting

PS Mikes first sporter target was a 250 23x. WOW. Try that at home with a 6 power scope boys and girls!

Congratulations to Mike Poole and to Ken Camper!

250 - 23X with the Sporter is definitely getting it done! Awesome shooting!

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3 gun is one target each with sporter, 10.5 and 13.5 pound rifles. You must use a 2 piece rest set up with sand bags.

UL is 3 targets with whatever you want to shoot ie minimal restrictions on equipment.

Xman is an award for the shooter who has the highest X count over a specified period of time. Go to the rule book to see all the particulars. bob
In 3 gun is that sporter, 10.5, 13.5 or is it 10.5, 13.5 and unlimited? And while we are asking, what is X-men?

This year a new twist on X-Man has been added. Clint Swigert came up with the idea and he's backing it with a $1000 prize. Unlimited Super-X Man is the Agg of a shooters highest X Count targets. Highest Agg wins a grand.

Wayne Wills liked the idea so much he back a Sporter Super X-Man. This will be the Agg of a shooters highest 10 X Count targets.

This will be a great way to make those 249-23X targets count for something!