

Well-known member
Folks, Gary Loughnot aka Lugnuts is in intensive care after suffering a stroke about 48 hours ago. It's my understanding he went through surgery fine and he's doing pretty well and fighting pretty hard. Gary loves the many folks he's met in the rimfire community so how about taking a minute or two to put in a word with the guy upstairs so he can get home ASAP and I can resume busting his chops.
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Tell Gary to mind his doc's instructions and I hope he's back shootin' soon!!


Please tell Gary that Kathy and I wish him a speedy and complete recovery. We need him and his sense of humor on the firing line!
Tim, The prayers will be said. Like Todd his sense of Humor is needed. Tell him we have a bench for him April 12 for our first 50-50 match. We have one for you also.
Tell Gary to get well fast, we'll be looking for him this spring.

Please pass along my get well wishes to Gary. I've never met him, but he seems like a great guy who has an excitement about this rimfire game that's refreshing. I wish him a complete and speedy recovery. Thanks for posting this.
Get better quick old buddy. Try to do what the guys in the white coats say.
We need you back with us!
Gary you got to get back on that firing line, I love to watch you put all your money on those protests. Hope you are up and shootin soon. Paul
My prayers went up yesterday late when I got home from my Anniversary dinner with my wife. I just checked BRC and looked, but my prayers went then and they will continue. I'm a young one in this sport, I'll turn 40 next month. My children are 7 and 2 (will be 2 on the 27th of this month, sorry folks I got started later and I'm old school). I will continue praying for Lugnuts. I will keep it as dear as I read it last night and forgot about myself and my wife for a bit. I hope he is well and recovering. He still needs help after the hospital stay. I will be diligent on this one. But it is critical that we ALL keep praying for him!


Lugnuts is one great guy, we will be praying and if you need any thing or when he might appreciate a visit let us know..ok

nick the *****

My prayers go out for Gary and you and Jack also!!
You and Jack have been there through thick and now thin, but with alot of prayers from all of us he`ll be back on the line in no time!!
Please keep us updated and anything I can do let me know?!

Tell Gary he is in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery!!

One of the guys in Horseheads:)

Gary, we all want you to hurry back on the firing line in time for the summer matches. You showed us how it's done last year -- come down and do it again. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Old Fossil
Well, I finally got to visit yesterday. Although he cannot talk yet he is doing well and was oviously moved when told of everyone's thoughts and well wishes.
I will say HAIL Mary's for you Gary and light a candle for you until you are well. I don't know you or have never met you but with all the names of well wishers who have exspresed you prayers and best whishes you have to be a super special person. I wish God's healing hand on you and pray he will lift you up and heal you and bring you back to this great comunity of shooters. garrisone.
I will say HAIL Mary's for you Gary and light a candle for you until you are well. I don't know you or have never met you but with all the names of well wishers who have exspresed you prayers and best whishes you have to be a super special person. I wish God's healing hand on you and pray he will lift you up and heal you and bring you back to this great comunity of shooters. garrisone.
I'll tell you what my friend, I do not know who you are but that was one of the classiest posts I've ever read on this place and I quarantee it will leave a tear in this guy's eye.
Gary's rate of progress is off the charts. He's out of the hospital in the next day or so... off to rehab. It's driving him nuts not talking yet, I'm getting lots of free shots in any he's smiling at me. Payback's gonna be a B****.

Thanks for the up date.. so good to hear he has turned that corner, he is in our prayers.

Nick the *****