Lubed pellets... do they shoot faster for you.. or more accurate.. or both?


Wayne Burns

I've found that they shoot faster, and I'm wondering if our rigs will be tested with dry pellets, or the pellets we like to shoot... as we like to shoot em..

I read in the rules, that the rig should be tested with pellets the shooter wants to shoot, and those pellets are then sealed as the only pellets the shooter can use.. (better have enough in that tin!).. but I've also heard our rigs will be tested with the H&N heavies.. dry I presume.. My gun shoots them very different than my favorite pellet.

I've got my rig set now, so it won't go over in any case, but I think some might get caught going over if the test is switched to how the rules read.. I would have, if I hadn't done the testing.

Wayne Burns,
Team USA
The rules DON"T say you will use your own pellets that will be sealed. They say we are all to use the same pellet tpe for the testing ... they corresppnd to Barakuda, or "Kodiak" pellets. As to lube, I've done a lor of testing ... if you have been using lubed pellets, it takes four or five shots at least for the effects of the lube to even begin to "wear off", so if you are concerned about wearing it all off from your barrel, just alternate between "your pellets" and the offical test ones .... firing your lubed ones into the dirt, and theirs over the chrono.
Here is what I just copied from their rules website...


E.8.9 Air Rifle Power Check Procedure
1) 10 of the competitor’s pellets to be weighed and the average noted.
2) A string of 10 shots over using a chronograph, an average velocity would be calculated.
3) The power output would be derived from the information in 1 and 2, buy using the following formula;
Kinetic energy = weight (grains) x speed (ft/sec) x speed (ft/sec) 450240 This is then multiplied by 1.356 to attain the correct Joule value 4)

If the power is within the prescribed limit the rifle and pellet box/tin will be labelled as such, the
pellet box/tin being sealed with the label until the match starts then re-sealed after each detail.
5) If the power is outside the limit time would be given to sort the problem before a re-test.
6) Competitors should make sure there are sufficient pellets in the batch that have been tested to
shoot the whole match as additional testing will not be done unless unforeseen circumstances make
such a test necessary.

I don't know which way it will be done.. but I'm ready either way now.

Wayne Burns,
USA team
Maybe LD's point is covered in rule 8.9 2 ??? Either way your covered as per your last sentence, come and enjoy the championships Wayne dont over think it mate...My pellets will be lubed for the record :cool:
Thanks Bill,

It's a long way to travel and I just wanted to be sure that myself and others aren't practicing at a velocity that will not be acceptable for the match. I've been doing all my practice over a crony and notice that at different times of day, the velocity changes with temp. Different pellets give different FPE with the same settings. My favorite pellet likes a velocity close to the limit, so I think I've got it set just right and the next morning, it's a little over with my favorite pellet, but way under with the kodiaks.. go figure.... I would be fine that morning if the testing was done with the kodiak, but over if with my pellet, so I dialed her down some more... just to be safe. I don't know if other folks have checked their rigs to this extent and wanted to share what I found to save grief at the last moment.

My USFTs are young bucks and I have to constantly be holding em back:).. hard to settle down in the starting gate:)

I am really looking forward to meeting all you folks from around the world!

G'day Mate!

Wacky Wayne,
Team USA

Very good! hope you win at the match.. are you going to lube those pellets befor you leave or just befor the match? thoses USFT"s look like the under dog.any thought on that? can't wait for the results.the hold world is watching ..good luck..H.B.
What is a USFT im starting to hear stories about them down here?
yes, that's it.. but my is the carbine for the LV class and and the full bull barrel for HV... with a little more pink:)

Wacky Wayne
Team USA