lr scopes



All my scopes are NF or Leupold. I am building a lr tactical play toy. Was looking for scopes. Saw a Sightron lll 10-50x60 for 900.00 bucks. What's the skinny on these scopes? I know that at some point way back they were acceptable. What are most lr people shooting?
from what to what ?
on the rifle i just built, i used a
nf 5.5-22x56 for 2 reasons.
large targets
distances from 800 out to 2000 yards,
and it will go shorter.
100 moa built in.
Thanks for your reply

from what to what ?
on the rifle i just built, i used a
nf 5.5-22x56 for 2 reasons.
large targets
distances from 800 out to 2000 yards,
and it will go shorter.
100 moa built in.

You mentioned two things that I did not deem critical but sure are. I k is not the definitive long rang distance anymore and that the size of the target is integral to the issue. We shoot swingers: 810 yards is 2" in diameter.900 is 4 or 6. Doesn't seem to matter much. 950 and 1000 is 10, I think. I miss and occasionally hit all ranges with the same ineptitude. I'm using my 6 Dasher now. It wears a 12x42 NF with the floating dot. Scope seems to work well. Since I could change thought I would ask around. Was going to put a 308 bbl on this gun but circumstances changed my mind. Going to put it on a 700 short action I got lying about, put in a tactical type stock. I think that the br type stock will kick too much. Put it a heavy stock with a recoil pad and most assuredly a brake. I'm going with tite neck and custom dies because I always do. At least have dies match chamber. Thinking that a store bought stock and thought that the Sightron lll 10-50x60 for 900.00 bucks would be good enough. The NF tha I have now is around 1500, I think. Will go that way if needed. By the by I mentioned this project months back and you replied with advice for powders. Just getting to it. Life interferes with fun way too often. Thanks again.
I think if your set up can make consistent hits on a 2" target at 800 yds. you better not change anything. jim
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Pretty informal,small event at the club level.

I think if your set up can make consistent hits on a 2" target at 800 yds. you better not change anything. jim

and the hits are not consistent. Hit some,most others seem pretty close. This gun shoots, or has shot sub 1" groups at 600. I tune at 100 and it shoots like a ppc with a good bbl and bullets.Seems to me that trying to hit 2" at 800 for anything else than the fun of bustin' shells and trying to have fun is unrealistic. Especially without flags. I also do not want to waste bullets and bbl that I can use at a sanctioned shoot.Wanna shoot something else.
well try that scope, but i think others are better...say the nf 15-55 competition.
wind is probably the issue as the dasher shoots well.

you want different, try a 284 throated for 180's .
has a good history.

well try that scope, but i think others are better...say the nf 15-55 competition.
wind is probably the issue as the dasher shoots well.

you want different, try a 284 throated for 180's .
has a good history.
Bin there. Shot great. Good bullets a B****. Shot it out shootin' Sierras. Had to measure every !@#$% one of 'em. Will pay for custom bullets. Checking out the nf you mentioned. I am sure it is better than the Sightron. Just wanted to check around,see what others said. Still got my stupid head set on a 308.Already got the dies made.
If it were me i would hunt a good NF 12-42 NXS way better than the new comp. series and a lot easier to shoot, or a 10-60 March if you have the $$$$ ...... jim
if you are talking 308 win, 800 plus yards and two inch targets you are just wasting money.
the mil considers a 308 win an 800 yard round on large targets in sniper rifles.

jim..would love to hear why you like the 12-42 over the 15-55 ?

Bin there. Shot great. Good bullets a B****. Shot it out shootin' Sierras. Had to measure every !@#$% one of 'em. Will pay for custom bullets. Checking out the nf you mentioned. I am sure it is better than the Sightron. Just wanted to check around,see what others said. Still got my stupid head set on a 308.Already got the dies made.
Why would i pick the old over the new put them side by side. I have had no less than 4 of each. image size at 42 @ 100 yds compared to the 15-55 has to be turned up to all most 50 to be equal. Eye relief is to critical, flat ass don't shoot as good. The only one i ever seen a bullet hole at 1000 was with was the 12-42. Sent the last comp. back for impact shift, they told me it was the rings. I had all ready removed the scope and replaced it with a March 10-60 and it shot small. The rings they said were the cause, when i used them on the March it shot smaller than the comp. and when they were used with the 12- 42 they set records. I shoot free recoil and the eye relief on the NXS is very forgiving, the only issue with them was the weight....... jim
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Yeah, I know...

if you are talking 308 win, 800 plus yards and two inch targets you are just wasting money.
the mil considers a 308 win an 800 yard round on large targets in sniper rifles.

jim..would love to hear why you like the 12-42 over the 15-55 ?

What is a large target in the sniper world? Not too many hits on the 2 incher on a given day. This is just screwin' around. Show up early sometimes wait for the fog to lift drinking coffee, set the swinger racks down range and have at em. Zero in for about 45 minutes then two and a half minutes for 5 targets. wait a little while shoot five more targets. Ten shots at each range. On a given day I hit zero, one, ten or twenty couple. Watched a guy beside me go 8 for 10 at a 10" circle two weeks ago using a tactical set up.He is not a bench rest guy, factory chamber, his reloads. Did not ask him how much effort he put into reloading. Measuring, segregating neck tension etc. Most times the br rigs win. Can use the gun for other stuff too. Local groundhog shoots where a 6 bullet hole is hard to see at 400 hundred. Possibly give the 30 br's a run. Already bought the damn bbl and dies are made. After all this back and forth do you think I should put it in the br stock?
It is nice to see bullet holes but it isn't necessary, if you can read the wind and have a good zero and run them in the same condition. I can see holes at 400 with no problem with a 10-60 March set on 50. At 1000 you can't see them you need to learn to read the wind and yank the trigger under the same condition...... jim

It is nice to see bullet holes but it isn't necessary, if you can read the wind and have a good zero and run them in the same condition. I can see holes at 400 with no problem with a 10-60 March set on 50. At 1000 you can't see them you need to learn to read the wind and yank the trigger under the same condition...... jim
I know all that. We can see our hits in the dirt or see the spotters if shooting at a range with pits. Are you talking 6 mm or 30 cal holes at 400? Are you saying at 50 power on every condition, mirage being the big one, the March resolves these holes? If so I will order one soon as you tell me it is true. On a good day, meaning right lite and no mirage, I can see 6mm holes at 400 using less than 42 power without a problem. On a really good day, the nf resolves them at 600 yds. Started this thread to find out if anyone knew just how acceptable the Sightron scope really is.They usta be sort of ok.. but who knows now? The dilemma is throwing away 900 on the Sightron vrs. Just getting another nf or Leupold. Never had a March. Looked thru some. As one would expect, ya here different opinions. Thanks,

if you are talking 308 win, 800 plus yards and two inch targets you are just wasting money.
the mil considers a 308 win an 800 yard round on large targets in sniper rifles.

jim..would love to hear why you like the 12-42 over the 15-55 ?

Just wondering about the size of the 1k sniper targets? Do sniper/tactical guys use br quality ammo? Are we talking gas guns. Would it be fair to think that a 308 in a bench rig using br quality loadings would shoot somewhat better? I'm guessing,from what you tell me, that the limitations of the 308 would still make it difficult to compete with the Dasher, 300 Win Mag, or 6.5x284 past 800 yds. I just got this bug up there....Thanks
Seeing the dust on a hit sure isn't reading the wind my friend, what you see on a hit is too late..... I only use a a 6mm. ...... jim

Seeing the dust on a hit sure isn't reading the wind my friend, what you see on a hit is too late..... I only use a a 6mm. ...... jim
I hit to the left and the dust moves left can one assume that correcting to the right is in order? If the wind hitting me on the right side suddenly stops and I do NOT correct right, what corrective measures would that be called if not reading the wind? What am I missing.I have done this with some positive results. I can not read wind well without flags. Watch some stuff, sometimes it works.. I guess a sniper would know, but if I see my hit and correct while observing what I THINK ARE PERTINENT CONDITIONS,am I not "reading the wind"?Are we playing with words? Difference between reading the wind and doping conditions,perhaps?In order to not hijack this thread(I really hope someone chimes in on the Sightron) Could you pm me and give pointers about this? Like I said, I am just fooling around but does not mean that one would not be willing to put some time and effort into getting better. Looking forward to our correspondence. Thanks
I had one but with the soft clicks and the fact the image get distorted around the edges at higher power, sold it. I think you should invest in a good book on reading the wind first...... jim
Why would i pick the old over the new put them side by side. I have had no less than 4 of each. image size at 42 @ 100 yds compared to the 15-55 has to be turned up to all most 50 to be equal. Eye relief is to critical, flat ass don't shoot as good. The only one i ever seen a bullet hole at 1000 was with was the 12-42. Sent the last comp. back for impact shift, they told me it was the rings. I had all ready removed the scope and replaced it with a March 10-60 and it shot small. The rings they said were the cause, when i used them on the March it shot smaller than the comp. and when they were used with the 12- 42 they set records. I shoot free recoil and the eye relief on the NXS is very forgiving, the only issue with them was the weight....... jim

I have one of each of these. My Dasher has the NXS mounted and the Comp is going on (wait for it) a rimfire. The rimfire BR crowd loves these things!

I had one but with the soft clicks and the fact the image get distorted around the edges at higher power, sold it. I think you should invest in a good book on reading the wind first...... jim
Just what I wanted to hear regarding the Sightron. Will check out books. Excellent suggestion!.Do a search for which one to start. Trying to teach something by correspondence may be impossible. Time consuming and labor intensive at the very least. It was presumptive of me to ask. Probally go with another nf but am looking at the Valadas. There seems to be good things said on the short range pages by two very knowlegeable guys. Do you think that 36 is enough power for the type of shooting we have been discussing? I also have to realise how much time I have or don't for this kind of shooting. So far it is only a lark.But still, bustin' shells and nice trip in upstate PA, What's not to like? Thanks again.
I have a 36 power Valdada and is a very easy scope to shoot and rock solid movement and it is here to stay. As far as enough power? when i could see i used peep sights, now scopes and i have looked through it at 1000 and i could get by. Long eye relief, clear and bright, superior movement...... jim