Lowell Hottenstein earns Eastern Region Hall of Fame honors.

Joe Krupa

Lowell joins Ed Shilen, Tony Boyer, Eldon Stolle, Herb Stark, Perry Morton, Fred Hasecuster, Orin Gilkerson, Stan Buchtel and yours truly in this Regional honor.

Congratulations. Lowell.

Lowell also is having his LV100 and LV grand targets and backers submitted for NBRSA world record. Will post more tomorrow.

I have met many great men and women that shoot Benchrest, but there is not a finer representative of our sport than Lowell Hottenstein. He is a great shooter but more importantly, he is a great person. Congratulations on your 2-gun win and earning your way to the Eastern HOF . James Mock
Congratulations Lowell, you deserve to be in the Hall of Fame.
Lowell you are one of the great ones. Congrats on the Hall induction. Gary
Congratulation Lowell, sounds like you really had your rifle super tuned, great shooting buddy, I'm so glad for you. I wish I had been there to witness such a great job of driving a rifle, congrats again.

Dan Honert:):):D
Congratulations Lowell!!

Pretty elite list of names there. Be proud. Great accomplishment. And best of all it was one of the good guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!