Lou Palmisano MD - the other half of the PPC


Patti Palmisano

Just to let everyone know that Lou is in extremely poor health. I know it would mean a lot to him to hear from shooters... he loved shooting and shooters more than anything throughout his lifetime....please...just a card or note... or even a call in the afternoon... He is 80 now and very frail... asking you to please reach out to him at this difficult time.
Thanks so much...

Lou Palmisano
96 Smith Mountain Road
Wapwallopen PA 18660
Sorry to hear that. I wish him well. Thank you for letting the shooting community know.

Hi Lou,
Sorry to hear about your health. Jo Ann and I still remember the day you drove us around Wapwallopen and stoped for ice cream.
Ron & Jo Ann

Although I never had the priveledge of meeting Lou, I have certainly heard his name and his deeds. Like many in this game, I have shot his creation for over 20 years.

These times are really trying, for there is not much we can do except pray for God's helping and and comforting hand. So my prayer for you and Lou is short. May the Lord keep in the hollow of his hand and bring you the peace and understanding as only he can.

Geary and Margaret Koglin
Even though Lou has been in better health he still enjoyed our phone conversation the other day. It is best to call in the afternoon. Even if you had never met the man, a simple phone call will pick his spirits up. Over the years lots of folks called when they needed something. Well now he needs something, so lets give him a call. He & Patti can be reached at:
Lou Palmisano
96 Smith Mountain Road
Wapwallopen PA 18660
Semper Fi
Lou....I have never met you, but your name is legendary to me...when a novice ask what the "PPC" stands for in the cartridge name I am proud to tell the story of you and Ferris Pendel...
You helped create a cartridge that is as historic as as the 50 BMG...we all have stories of our "screamer" groups shot at 100/200/300 yards with the "PPC"...and have our best targets proudly framed or preseved to show what we accomplished with the cartridge you developed...
I am saddened to hear of your health problems and pray that you may enjoy many more years in comfort...God Bless...

Eddie Williams in Texas
Dear Lou,

This are hard times on all of us in the benchrest community, we can just imagine how hard this situation is for YOU, loosing a legendary friend and not feeling well. We can promise You this, THE PALMISANO CUP is still on it´s strenght and will be performed two weeks from now, for the 20+++ years in a row. The Scandinavian shooters are still appreciating it as the "thoughest" game around. We know it, You know it, it will never fade, nor will Your or Ferris contribution to this very special sport.

You are in our thoughts, for a very special reason!!!

Benchrestshooters of Finland
Hi Patti,
please tell to Lou to be as strong is possible, because we need him in our community.
Thanks to take care of him.
Dr. Palmisano is a special man of vision. He brought us a new cartridge that has excelled for thirty seven years. Much of the development and testing was done at his personal expense and we shooters are the beneficiaries of his efforts. My prayers are that he gets well soon and I hope to see him at the upcoming Super Shoot. James Mock
Just a quick THANK YOU to those who have sent letters, cards, or have called. Words cannot express how much each of you has brightened some very tough days!
You are all wonderful...
Patti Palmisano
a greeting and a thought for you in our prayers.....benchrest Italy