Lots of Sun and Fun at The WWCCA Spring Tune-up Match!

28,000 Benchrest Shooters arrived at the Western Wayne Conservation Club this past weekend to take advantage of the unseasonably warm 70+ degree sunny weather to participate and enjoy our first group Benchrest match of 2014 in the NBRSA Eastern Region. After an extremely long winter everyone was quite anxious to get back together and enjoy some great commarodry and very good regional competition.

As we initiated last year, our Eastern Region team will continue our Shooter Loyalty program this year; whereby at the end of each match during the awards ceremony, we will conduct a drawing give-a-way for a certificate good for (1) match fee to be redeemed at any NBRSA Easter Region Group match within the following 12 months to a lucky winner!

This year we have expanded our Shooter Loyalty program; whereby we have implemented a new “Match Attendance” incentive program where shooters who attend a minimum of (5) NBRSA Eastern Region group matches in 2014 will each earn a ticket for each match they attend (extra bonus tickets earned for attending 8 or more ER matches!) for a prize drawing at our annual NBRSA Easter Region meeting in November for their chance to earn a BAT Action and other top Benchrest related shooting prizes! (More details of this exciting program to follow….)

Don Rosette arrived with his freshly cut $800 dollar almost-perfect Spring haircut. (Eddy Munster lives on!) Our Canadian friends, including Dave Holmes, Peter Smith, Dave Abbott and George and Vera Carter arrived ensuring some great laughs and some fine shooting.

It was also great to have a new shooter, Butch Lipscomb, whom was attending his first match, win several small group cash option awards and finish 15th overall in the 2-Gun! Very good shooting Butch! Way to go!

Saturday morning met some typical WWCCA switchy conditions, but the sun was out and Jeff Gaidos showed some great shooting form in winning the Light Varmint aggregate with a fine .2132” agg.

Here are the top five finishers in the LV100 agg.
1.) Jeff Gaidos: .2132”
2.) Victor Potts: .2278”
3.) Jack Neary: .2340”
4.) Jerry Jarrett: .2372”
5.) Dave Holmes: .2466”

After a great lunch, Saturday afternoon brought more great sunny weather and light winds for all to enjoy with some very shooting in the Heavy Varmint 100 yard aggregate by George Carter, Ted Heindselman, Jeff Gaidos and Vic Potts with very good aggs.

Here are the top five finishers in the HV100 agg.
1.) Jack Neary: .1660”
2.) George Carter: .1798”
3.) Ted Heindselman: .2160”
4.) Jeff Gaidos: .2180”
5.) Victor Potts: .2226”

After everyone re-set their wind flags to their 200 yard benches, we all enjoyed a fantastic Steak Roast the WWCCA club hosts at each match. More great times and good food were enjoyed by everyone!
Sunday morning brought more sunshine and warm 70+ degree weather. Mild winds greeted all shooters for the start of the Heavy Varmint 200 yard aggregate. Joe Krupa, George Carter, Peter Smith and Jeff Gaidos each shot some very good aggregates for the HV-200 agg.

Here are the top five finishers in the HV200 agg.
1.) Jack Neary: .2182”
2.) Joe Krupa: .2226”
3.) George Carter: .2548”
4.) Peter Smith: .2630”
5.) Jeff Gaidos: .2702”

Here are the Top 10 results of the Heavy Varmint Grand Aggregate…..!
1.) Jack Neary: .1921”
2.) George Carter: .2173”
3.) Jeff Gaidos: .2441”
4.) Joe Krupa: .2442”
5.) Peter Smith: .2672”
6.) Lee Hachigian: .2709”
7.) Jeff Bumblebee Aberegg: .2710”
8.) Victor Potts: .2775”
9.) Ted Heindselman: .2886”
10.) Dominic Grunas: .2925”

After another great lunch, we started our last aggregate of the match, the Light Varmint 200 yard aggregate!
Winds and a very brief shower greeted everyone for the LV-200 agg. Don Rossette shooting Joe Krupa’s rifle (don’t ask…) showed why he’s one of the best in our region with his first place finish, with Dave Holmes, myself, Jeff Gaidos and the lovely Vera Carter rounding the top five finishes.

Here are the top five finishers in the LV200 agg.
1.) Don Rosette: .2545”
2.) Dave Holmes: .2547”
3.) Jack Neary: .2620”
4.) Jeff Gaidos: .2762”
5.) Vera Carter: .2770”

Here are the Top 10 results of the Light Varmint Grand Aggregate…..!
1.) Jeff Gaidos: .2447”
2.) Jack Neary: .2480”
3.) Dave Holmes: .2507”
4.) Don Perfect Hair Rosette: .2647”
5.) John Petteruti: .2792”
6.) Dominic Grunas: .2793”
7.) Lee Hachigian: .2822”
8.) Ron Robovitsky: .2861”
9.) George Carter: .2974”
10.) Victor Potts: .2995"

With the dust now settled after the Light Varmint 200 yard aggregate…. Here’s the Top 20 results of the 2-Gun!
1.) Jack Neary: .2201
2.) Jeff Gaidos: .2444”
3.) George Carter: 2573”
4.) Lee Hachigian: .2765”
5.) Joe Krupa: .2789”
6.) Dave Holmes: 2816”
7.) Dominic Grunas: .2859”
8.) Victor Potts: .2885”
9.) Ron Robovitsky: .2935”
10.) Ted Heindselman: .2965”
11.) Peter Smith: .3029”
12.) Don Rosette: .3070”
13.) Vera Carter: .3113”
14.) Jeff Bumblebee Aberegg: .3118”
15.) Butch Lipscomb: .3128” (Great shooting, Butch!)
16.) Chuck Green: .3166”
17.) John Petteruti: .3194”
18.) Bill Gammon: .3253”
19.) Melvyn Newransky: .3260”
20.) Steve Theye: .3385”

I would like to personally thank Dana Raven and Bill Gammon for directing and organizing this match, Connie Wyatt for her scoring all the many targets, Brook Raven and Wayne for all their tireless efforts in placing and changing countless targets. Special thanks to all the shooter’s whom attended this match!

Looking forward to another great year with the shooter's in the NBRSA Eastern Region!

Jack Neary
NBRSA Eastern Region, Director
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280 Benchrest Shooters arrived at the Western Wayne Conservation Club this past weekend

How do you draw 280 shooters for a "run-of-the-mill" registered match? I'm not aware of any shoots down this way that draw that many shooters.
remove the

How do you draw 280 shooters for a "run-of-the-mill" registered match? I'm not aware of any shoots down this way that draw that many shooters.
"0" and I would wager that is MUCH closer to the truth. Jack has been known to "embellish" upon occasion.:p
Ah man

and here I thought I had met a real celebrity.......

Jack told me that his occupation is a "PLUS SIZE MALE MODEL"

You mean to say that may not be so.................. He has a tendency to embelish things????????


He told me the male model line too. Then at dinner the reservation was for Dr. Neary. My understanding was he retired from Surgery and gave up the modeling gig to be a snake handler in Phoenix. Some guys have all the luck. :p

Uthink Uknow...

At one time Jack WAS a near-World Class marathoner. Somewhere during or right after his college days he finished something like in 100th place in the NYC Marathon. I think his time was something like 2:39 or so?? I can't remember exactly, but it is no joke. Jack IS known to kid us a little, but I think it is true.

Probably nothing that Jack could not do if he put his mind to it. He has proven that shooting.

Joe Hynes
And he ran the Boston Marathon.
We are in the presence of a liar.

Uthink Uknow(?) or what ever your name is...?

No. Never ran Boston.

I did run the New York Marathon in '80 in 2:41:42

Running 100 - 120 miles per week... I was 143lbs.

Would be glad to show you the pics if... you would come and shoot our REGISTERED group matches...

Put up or shut up!
Hey Jack, I wasn't too far off on your time!! That time is FAST FAST FAST. To finish in 100th place in the NYC marathon is amazing, even for a top college runner.

Here is a magazine clip about the 1980 NYC Marathon:

Race Director Fred Lebow and the New York RRC gathered together the largest field of marathoners ever assembled (12,000 were accepted and 15,000 were turned down) and lined up one of the most talented international fields outside the Olympics for the five-borough version of this race. With a budget estimated at $1.5 million, the event is highly if not lavishly organized on the grandest New York scale.

Jack' MO is to work like hell to achieve a goal. He is doing that in benchrest (as well all know too well) and he did it before in the marathon big leagues.

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