Loose ptimer pockets



I too have expierenced the issue of loose primer pockets. I have carefully read the various reviews. I will, for example check with "hart" for a sollution. In the mean time, i have simply super-glued the new primers. I have had no negative issue using this process. The usual culprets are: .340 wby and 30-06.
I have also begun reducing my loads.
Be very careful with that 340 if it's a factory rifle..... repeated overloads and a small tenon can easily lead to galled lugs or worse.

I'm not sure that super glue will hold up to the pressures involved. If you're experiencing loose primer pockets within only a few reloads and you're not using FC brass you're loading way too hot. I load my rifles pretty warm usually, and the only cases that have given me expanded primer pockets were FC's in 3 loads, sometimes less.
If your primer pockets are getting loose you are probably having hot gas seep back against the bolt face. That will "etch" a ring on the bolt face around the firing pin hole...which is not good. When pockets get loose, immediately scrap the brass.

That is my suggestion.

I have had lose primer pockets in 25acp, 7.62x25mm, 7.62x39mm, 308, 243, 223, 257 RAI, 260, 7mmRM, 300WM, 30-06, 8x57mm, 10mm, 9x19mm, and 9x23mm.
I have been unable to get lost primer pockets in 45/70, 6mmBR, 38sp, and 357 mag, because the primer will pierce first in a work up.
I can find these things empirically, but there is an another engineer out that that can calculate case head strength, and predict these things.

What does it all mean?
There will never be a new cartridge 270 Win +P+ with a large Boxer primer pocket, because the 270WIN is registered with SAAMI at 65kpsi, which is right up against the limit of the case head strength before loose primer pockets.

What does all THAT mean?
Your loads are too hot.