Looking for Sako type extractor kit

Looking for a Sako extractor for a Remington 308 bolt face.
Brownells,PTG,Midwayusa,David Tubbs. All out of stock. Where else should I look?


Try Bat Machine and see if they have their extractor in stock. They make the medium sized extractor that is about .175" in width. If you need the one that is about .250" wide, they don't make it to my knowledge. Whether it's for a PPC or .308 all depends upon the depth that the extractor slot is milled into the bolt.
I have a Tubb 2000 Rem small, brownells 840-000-025. New in package.
I did find one. But Dusty is right wouldn't hurt to have a spare. As it seems they aren't being made by anyone the size I need anyway. The Tubb2000 is different than any of the other sizes.

Scooter bum sending you a pm

Thanks guys.