looking for precise powder measure....



Hey guys I am looking to buy a Powder measure that is Precise. Have read that the Lyman 55 throws to within .1 each load. understand the redding 3 br and the br-30 does the same. the lyman is $150 less. the money is not a problem but why spend if you don't have to. I have'nt the time to research like I normally do. So I am going to leave it up to Ya'll for some good advice.

I do have a sartoris M-prove scale (measures to the hundredth of a gn.) and trickler. However, if I get a very good thrower I may not have to trickle all my different loads.


Thanks Crashem
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Hey guys I am looking to buy a Powder measure that is Precise. Have read that the Lyman 55 throws to within .1 each load. understand the redding 3 br and the br-30 does the same. the lyman is $150 less. the money is not a problem but why spend if you don't have to. I have'nt the time to research like I normally do. So I am going to leave it up to Ya'll for some good advice.

I do have a sartoris M-prove scale and trickler. However, if I get a very good thrower I may not have to trickle all my different loads.

Thanks Crashem

You asked for it. Prometheus Generation 2 - Prometheus Tool Co. Good luck.
Ha Ha

How about money is not a problem between the two.

bad to the bone though
thanks guys

plan on using scale along with thrower, but not always.
throwers are very dependent on type of powder and the user.
change powder type and the repeatability changes.

we have been over this many times....

the price resonable options for loading get down to
the rcbs charge master with its very close to plus or minus 0.15 or so....
jump to an electronic scale at 325 or so and get plus or minus 0.03.....that works!

the best hand thrower out there with n133 is only plus or minus 0.2 with some .3's thrown in for fun......

guys that claim they throw at 0.1 are typically using a 0.1 beam scale for that claim..it aint accurate enough to make the claim stick.

since most do not load at the range for 1000yd.....the 325 electronic is a definite option....

mike in co
I have an old Culver that is exactly as Mike describes, if I keep it full and with certain powders it'll stay pretty accurate within a .2g window leaving very little trickle work.

They are getting harder to find, I hear the Harrels is a match of the old Culver and also the Niel Jones measure is a really nice one and may be a bit more accurate.
with the oem 8208...1960's milsurplus...a harrells will do less than 0.1...consistantly....
that is based on grain size...one reason why it works so well in br...consistant powder and consistant throwing...
another reason why the newer stuff did nto work..it is physically larger in grain size....

mike in co
Look, Crashem question concerned a precise powder measure...................NOT the most accurate method to load foe LR competition? I work up most all my loads using the Harrell's at the range. When I get a load that looks good at 300 yards (the longest distance at my club) I will then proceed to load using a more accurate method (at home) for my competition rounds. The beauty of Harrell's measure is in the click micrometer adjustmens. The Redding, Lyman and RCBS are just a PITA to get to where you want to be at the range without the use of a scale..........thst all:)
Rich De
After you get your Harrell's, spend a lot of time with a very accurate scale, and the powders that you will be using, working on finding the technique that works the best for you, and becoming consistent with it. All measures are technique sensitive.
Hey guys I am looking to buy a Powder measure that is Precise. Have read that the Lyman 55 throws to within .1 each load. understand the redding 3 br and the br-30 does the same. the lyman is $150 less. Thanks Crashem

I have a Lyman #55 which my wife gave me on our 1st wedding anniversary in 1966. She paid $12.56. The price is still marked on the box. It's very accurate - +\- .01. Just as good as my Harrells.

I'll sell the unit to you for $100.00 in the box with the 2 additional drop tubes. It looks like new. How about it?:D

A Harrels will do small grained powders very well.
But for long grained coarse powders you`ll have to weigh each...(500-1000$ Denver Instrument Scale).... Or as said...get a Prometheus....
bill larson
hey thanks for the replies. I bought the lyman 55 to throw most of my hunting and plinking rounds and then will use it along with my trickler and sortorius scale to load precision..... Thanks for the help... only time will tell if I like it or not.
sorry, but i call bs on the plus or minus POINT ZERO ONE.......
claiming 0.1 is one thing...claiming 0.01 is just not realistic

what scale do you use to check this accuracy with ??

mike in co

I have a Lyman #55 which my wife gave me on our 1st wedding anniversary in 1966. She paid $12.56. The price is still marked on the box. It's very accurate - +\- .01. Just as good as my Harrells.

I'll sell the unit to you for $100.00 in the box with the 2 additional drop tubes. It looks like new. How about it?:D

I started with a Harrells and a RCBS. dig. scale and at 1K my groups were in the 7" range,so i added a beam scale that was done over and the group size got smaller. Now i use the Harrells and a GD 503 and a Omega trickler and I shot a new record......jim
This is the only one I've found that I can trust to load with, and not check every round on the scales. and I've tried a lot of different ones.
But, when loading for a 1000yd match, I can't risk it. I still check every round on the scale. But that is how I know this one is good. I use it to load my tactical and hunting stuff with complete confidence.
Jeff, How accorate is that measure? I hope you run out of old targets to put in the box.......LOL......jim
Jeff, How accorate is that measure? I hope you run out of old targets to put in the box.......LOL......jim

Jim, at the risk of being called stupid and a liar, etc..., I have an Ohaus Navigator scale that reads to the half of a tenth ( .05 ) and when throwing, say 43.00 grains, it will be 43.05 - 42.95. It will do the same for my 70.90 grain load too ( 70.95-70.85 ).

I've got a few more I'm saving just for you ol' buddy !
