Looking for PCP Benchrest or FT shooters near Tyler, Texas



I am looking for PCP Benchrest or Field trial air rifle shooters in or near Tyler, Texas.
I have shot .22 BR-50 matches and am looking to get into PCP air rifles and would surely appreciate any advice and help regarding rifle and accessories and where to get air fills in the Tyler, Texas area.
I will get in touch with him. I just need some advice before I drop $3K + on a PCP "system" !!
Texas Bench Rest.

I am an old BR-50 competitor Probably one of the first air rifle competitors. I have been an air rifle competitor since early 90's. Started with a TX200 in Field Target and then an NJR 100 set up for me by Nick.

We shoot in Alvin Texas, near Houston, almost every week end. We can schedule a monthly match to meet your schedule if you would like to make the drive. We will do a start time to allow for your drive time to eliminate in motel expense.

For two years in BR50 if there was a match within a 5 hour one way drive I made it. I shot most every week end. Made it to the top of the G Line.

We have a nice range dedicated to air guns with 5 concrete benches.

We plan a regional match later this year.

Bob Zimmerman
I am an old BR-50 competitor Probably one of the first air rifle competitors. I have been an air rifle competitor since early 90's. Started with a TX200 in Field Target and then an NJR 100 set up for me by Nick.

We shoot in Alvin Texas, near Houston, almost every week end. We can schedule a monthly match to meet your schedule if you would like to make the drive. We will do a start time to allow for your drive time to eliminate in motel expense.

For two years in BR50 if there was a match within a 5 hour one way drive I made it. I shot most every week end. Made it to the top of the G Line.

We have a nice range dedicated to air guns with 5 concrete benches.

We plan a regional match later this year.

Bob Zimmerman

Would it be OK if I called you to talk about PCP's? If so PM me a phone #.
Field Target/Benchrest in Tyler

As far as field target shooters in Tyler, I am the only one that I know of. Don't know of any airgun benchrest shooters here, but there may be a few. Frank in Gilmer is the closest one I know, having shot with him a few times in the past at the Texarkana gun club. That all ended with the passing of Larry Burchfield, who was the one that kept things going up there as far as airguns.

I shoot with the Yegua Airgun Club in Somerville, south of Bryan/College Station, on a monthly basis. It's about 200 miles from here. There are two groups in the DFW area trying to start airgun field target clubs, one in Pecan Plantation by Granbury(they held their introductory match last month and have another scheduled for next month) and another group just organizing in Dallas, with plans to shoot at a location in NW Dallas. I can send you contact info for either one if you like.

As far as sources for air, I have used the dive shop on Hwy 31E, just outside the loop, and an industrial safety supply company, Oilind Safety, on Cantina Dr., off the NE loop. Both charged $15 a few years ago for an 88 cu. ft. tank, but prices may have changed since then.

Let me know if I can be of any further help.

Mike V.