Posted this on a couple of various firearms forums I belong to and thought this place would be a great area to get feedback on. I've gotten a lot of mixed answers on the issue (user error vs equipment - or a combo of both).
More than one person has referred to this as 'snap shooting' and some people are just inherently better at this method than the classic hold over. The more feedback the better - I've got a note book going of the various ideas and suggestions.
More than one person has referred to this as 'snap shooting' and some people are just inherently better at this method than the classic hold over. The more feedback the better - I've got a note book going of the various ideas and suggestions.
Maybe there is a term for this kind of shooting - maybe its just a weird quirk isolated to myself. Lack of a description keeps me from googling an answer, so I figure I would ask here.
We shall take todays range trip as the example.
Weapon: LR-308 (Bi-pod, Magpul PRS)
Distance: 150 Yards
Target: Orange Clays Discs
Position: Sitting on a stool behind weapon and slightly to the left (I am right handed). Left elbow is down on the table and the webbing between left thumb and pointer finger used as method of vertical adjustment. (cupping the rear bottom corner of the stock)
If I literally put my cross hairs on target and hold for a moment - I seem to hit 1 out of 3 times. Either my breathing or some other obvious flaw sends the shot slightly out of whack.
However what I like to do a lot is aim, shoot, aim, shoot, aim shoot - without breaking. What I mean is while the cross hairs are in motion as soon as they hit center target, trigger, clay explodes, let trigger out, move to next target.
Now think of all this as one fluid motion.
So I says to myself, "Ok guy - lets have a little test".
I set up 30 (yes 30!) orange clays at 150 yards.
What did I score? 30 out of 30 rounds (1 and 1/2 mag) - in about 75 seconds.
I don't get it. Is this a type of shooting that is known about or has a description?
If I do the "sniper thing" and just hold on target, its a crapshoot!