Looking for benchrest matches


New member
Just moved to northern Arkansas and would sure like to find some matches to shoot at.

Does anyone know where matches are held here in Arkansas.


NW Arkansas

is Farmington, just outside of Fayetteville.
NW Arkansas

Is there a club there? It'd be a long drive!! But a fellas gotta do what he needs to do to shoot.
Are you looking for serious, sanctioned matches or just club-level "fun" matches? If the latter, and your travels take you to Central Arkansas, come see us at our "Old Friends" matches, at the Benton Gun Club. We shoot RF benchrest every Thursday AM (most of the shooters in these matches are retired, find
Thursdays convenient.) I know it's probably too far to travel just to shoot, but if you happen to be coming here anyway, look us up. Visit our web site here: www.bentongunclub.org

We have a lot of matches, rifle, pistol & shotgun, shoot year 'round. For BR, look up "Old Friends Rimfire" and "Old Friends Silhouette" matches on the match schedule. We welcome non-members. The "OF Rimfire" matches are shot at 50 and 100 yds., scope and iron sights, every Thurs. except the 2nd Thurs. of the month. The "OF Silhouette" matches are novelty matches shot off the bench at 1/5 scale silhouette swingers, at 100, 125, 150 and 175 yds, on the 2nd Thurs. only.
Shooting matches

I see you offer quite a lot of shooting matches. It's a pretty good drive for me but I'm sure as soon as the weather clears a bit I'd like to come and visit and do some shooting. I've been wanting to do some silhouette shooting as well and I see you folks do quite a bit of that.

Thanks for the information.

I see you offer quite a lot of shooting matches. It's a pretty good drive for me but I'm sure as soon as the weather clears a bit I'd like to come and visit and do some shooting. I've been wanting to do some silhouette shooting as well and I see you folks do quite a bit of that.

Thanks for the information.


Look forward to meeting you, Lee--we'd love to have you at one of our matches. We all love to shoot, but enjoy the fellowship just as much. Our OF matches officially begin at 9:00 AM, but we usually start arriving and sighting in at about 8:00, so come early if you can. Regards...

Benton Gun Club

Welcome Lee, I am one of the Match Directors at the Benton Gun Club.

I know it is a long way for you to come here, but we have a great time shooting and would love to share our competition and fellowship with you.

Don't discount the 1/2 scale silhouette matches. Great fun and when the weather permits, we fix lunch afterward.

22 rimfire ranges

We shoot IR 50/50 at Rimfire ridge in Lonsdale Ar. Starting in April That is close to Hot spring, Ar.
Call me for more info Bob 501-276-7811 I can fill you in on what's going on around here.
Welcome to Arkansas
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