Looking for an Anschutz aftermarket stock & some snap caps...

Fergus Bailey

New member
Can anyone recommend a source for an Anschutz 1416 LH replacement sporter stock? I am looking for something I can modify for a youth without carving up the original factory wood. Only need something simple that will give me a few years use until my son grows into the full size stock.

Also, I am looking for some snap caps to teach the basics without using live ammo. Can anyone recommend something?

Thanks in advance.
If you can inlet the stock I can make you a stock blank out of marine ply to your specs.
BigStick Stocks
Midway and Brownells sell snap caps. Some go to home depot or other hardware shops and get #4-6 sheet rock anchors and use those. Much cheaper but softer. Max
Kim – thanks for the offer. I am hoping to find a “drop-in” to keep the cost down, but will see how I go with this. May need to reassess my options depending on what turns out to be available.

Max – thanks for the suggestion. I will take a look at a hardware store and see what might be available locally.

I would still be interested in any other suggestions that I could look at for both these points
light duty (yellow) #4-6 x 7/8" anchors do well, even cycle thru magazines reasonably well. The orange colored plastic snapcaps do not hold up well in my experience, the light metallic blue ones do better, but are pricey. Don't remember brands, just how they look.:rolleyes:
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Well, I bought some drywall anchors and they seem to work fine in the Anschutz. I tried them in my rimfire BR rifle and the chamber is too tight for the anchors. I could get them into the chamber no problem, but getting it out again was a whole other issue. I so I will have to use fired cases in the BR rimfire. I had wanted to avoid using old brass while I am teaching my son the basics, but don’t have much choice if I want to get him used to the basics of rifle handling.