looking for a range in vermont



Hi currently shoot short range BR score around northern new england, and do quite alot of medium range coyote hunting,(500 and under) but have no real local place to safely practice beyond 200. I know they shoot F-class at ethan allen firing range near burlington, but beeing this is a military range i didnt know if there where any practice times or if the range was only open to the public on match days. i did some searching on line but didnt come up with much. Any input about this range, or any other range where you can shoot over 300 to 500 yards in northern VT or NH would be greatly appreciated.
Join the VSRPA would be the start.....checking the website would also get you the practrice dates & times for Range 4-1 (600 yds.) at Ethan Allen.

Also there is a web site that lists every available public range in the USA here: http://www.shootingplaces.com/

You'll find plenty in Vermont. We shoot at 300 and 400 for practice at peru Rod & Gun Club in Peru, NY, also F-Class and High Power Prone on the Second Sunday of the month may-Oct.
I don't know if it is federal law, or

DOD regs, but I was told, in the mid 80s, that ranges were supposed to be accessible to civilians when not in use.
But of course, range control, I was told by one armorer, always gave the excuse that,
"Company so-and-so, or, (insert favorite org. here) has the range reserved until....."
(You get tired of waiting)

I don't know if that was SOP for:
Range Control or its OIC, or
the Base CO, or
the DOD.

But I was told by this fellow that whenever he HAD some work HE HAD to get done, it was always a hassle to get time on the range, and he worked as a civilian armorer for the DOA.

We work for them, though. Neat, eh?
Cheap Plug. Not too far to Ottawa for a weekend like the upcoming F matches July 1,2,3. All 700, 800, 900 and 900m each day on one of the best ranges in the world. Last Palma was there.
thanks for the help guys, i have gotten in touch with steve at the vsrpa and he was able to fill me in on the scoop for ethan allen.
Glad you got the TRUE poop for EA, it's that "new" Commander and his Second that have been one of the problems. The other is the one house that's within Artillery range that always complain about the noise, and the AG caves in to keep the piece and we lost the Leg match of the State Match weekend. Seems we can get plenty of Range time on Thur. from 1600 on, as long as we have RSO's and enough to shooters man the gates.