Looking for a quiet air compressor for the basement


I am looking for something that is reliable and quiet to put in the basement. The ones that I am looking at are a GMC Syclone 6310 that runs at 60db.

The other is a Steele Products 4.6 gallon model that runs at 55db

The GMC seems to have better ratings, but the Steele has a higher cfm rating.

Anyone have any other recommendations or any experience with the above 2 compressors?
put a noisy one out side in a small shed and plumb the air in......
far side of the garage......
mike in co
It is a PUMA verticle unit I bought from a Farm & Fleet store.
model PK2011 VP
CFM 4.6 @ 150 psi. 3.2 @ 90 psi.
2 hp., single phase, induction, 110-220, 60 HZ
amp-14-7 ,
1720 rpm
Price, around. $260.
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I had one of the "pancake" compressors that, though it got the job done, was not only 100 Db+ loud but the quality of the noise was fingernails-on-the-chalkboard. I bought a Makita MAC2400 that is cast iron, oil lubed and low RPM. Don't know the dB rating but you can have a normal conversation next to it while it works.

I'd be a little suspicious about claims of 55 dB though, a quick google search tell me that 55 dB is the noise level of "quite conversation".
Thanks for the replies! I actually ordered the GMC one and I'll see how it works out. I actually have 3 compressors, one large older 20 gallon 220V compressor, Dewalt wheeled 4.6 gallon portable and an small campbell hausfeld. All three rattle the windows in the house when used in the basement. My old house, I had the 220V in the basement and the sound did not resonate through the house like it does in new house I am in. This is the entire reason for finding a quiet air compressor so I can use it at 2am while everyone is sleeping. The downside with the 220V is, I don't have a 220V outlet in the basement nor the garage to run it. I plan on putting in a sub in the basement, but the darn thing is so loud.
try a air intake outside with a filter it cuts the noise and lets you put a insulated cover over the unit so you dont hear the belt