Looking for a Few Good Men... Launch of the NBRSA Regional Mentorship Program!

Good Evening Fellow NBRSA Members!

In an effort to continue the growth our NBRSA membership and help develop the skill-sets of our current members, our NBRSA leadership team is launching a “Regional Mentorship” program.

Our NBRSA Regional Directors, Vice-President Wayne Campbell and myself, each recognize it is very difficult for a new shooter to enter our beloved sport, due to the a lack of proper available training or mentorship, necessary to grasp and learn all the many facets of the skills needed for a new shooter to find a level of success they may continue to build on.

We also all recognize there are several excellent Benchrest books from shooting greats, Tony Boyer, Mike Ratigan and Glenn Newick. However, we all agree, nothing can replace some very good “hands-on” basic benchrest skills training!

Additionally, we also recognize, this lack of available teaching or mentorship that is greatly needed to help our current members, whom maybe struggling in their own right with their equipment or with their current, limited skill-sets, necessary for them to achieve a level of success to properly motivate them to keep shooting and not quit!

Much like golf, the better you play, the more you will enjoy the sport. We believe Benchrest shooting, whether it’s Long Range, Score or Group shooting, is much the same way. If you’re not playing golf (or shooting) well because of a lack of skill you’ll become very frustrated and may look for another sportÂ…

We strongly believe our new Regional Mentorship program may address these barrier-to-entry/skill development obstacles…

Okay…. How does the “Regional Mentorship” program work?

Simple… Our (8) NBRSA Regional Directors, Wayne Campbell and myself are seeking some skilled volunteers, whom are willing to work with potential new shooters or our current members, whom are trying to learn new skills for Long Range, Score and Group shooting disciplines, so they may simply try and improve at their respective local ranges at a “no charge” or nominal fee basis.

These new Mentors will agree to have their names, phone number and/or e-mail address posted on our NBRSA web site and in our monthly Precision Rifleman Magazine for potential new shooters and current members to contact so they may make arrangements to meet with their new “Mentor” at a mutually agreeable range, date and time.

Please note, you need not be a HOF member or major match winner, etc... to become a mentor!

We are looking for some experienced shooters with generous hearts, who are each willing to provide new shooters or our current NBRSA members with some sound instruction!

Next Steps….

If you are willing to volunteer as a new “Regional Mentor”, please e-mail me (jack6ppc@gmail.com) with your name, phone number and/or e-mail address authorizing the NBRSA to publish your contact information. Please also include the name of the local Benchrest range(s), where you would be available to meet and mentor respective shooters. Your name and contact information will then be listed on our NBRSA web-site, and also in the monthly Precision Rifleman Magazine for new shooters and current members to contact you directly.

I will be the first mentor to volunteer!

I am available to meet with shooters at the Chippewa Rifle Club, located near Doylestown, OH.

Let’s all make a concerted effort to bring someone new to a range and properly introduce them to our great Benchrest sport!

Please feel free to call or e-mail me with any questions you might have.

Jack Neary

NBRSA, President

Cell: 440-590-5299
E-mail: jack6ppc@gmail.com