Looking for a 6.5x06AI custom die builder.


New member
Guys, I am wanting a bushing type neck die for my 6.5x06AI, The Questions is who builds
one? I prefer tin coated or carbide bushings..

thx for your help
Neil Jones builds the best ones.

They are neither coated nor carbide.

They also use proprietary bushings not standard "buttons"

There could be some problems using a 280 AI die. If you have access to the chambering reamer, Jim Carstensen (JLC Precision) can make you a die that takes standard Wilson-style (or Redding-style) bushings, which you can get coated. It will be a true custom die. After sizing, the case will be about .001 smaller than it was after firing (the die itself it tighter, he adjusts for "springback," hence the .001 smaller AFTER sizing).


Charles, since he was looking for a neck sizing die, I thought the 280AI would do OK. He would have to look real close to use a 280AI for a full sizing die, but it's possible if the reamer is right.
I can vouch for Jim Carstensen custom dies. I have two of his dies and they are absolutely perfect. If you can send him 5 fired cases that is all he needs. He is also reasonable price wise.
You can buy coated bushings directly from Redding. The Redding/Wilson dies use the same bushings, IIRC all the others use their own design. The plus to the Neil Jones is the bushing includes the shoulder, the minus, of course, is the cost, and that you are committed to his bushings.

If you are interested in JLC's dies, call or send him an email.

Finally, if you are only interested in neck sizing, you can make a sizing die from the chamber reamer -- just start with a Wilson neck sizing blank. Or, as was mentioned, the .280AI die will most likely work for neck sizing only. If you ever want to bump the shoulder though, you'll need a different die. And my experience with the 6.5/06 AI (quite a bit) is that you will need to "bump the shoulder."
