Long Range in Texas



Are they shooting any long range in Texas ? I haven't heard any thing from the Dukes or any of that group .
Hi Max

They shot their clay pidgeon matches this year at Tad's and Mikes and the dukes,You might email Tad to see if there are any more matches this year.Here is Tad's email: t.emert@wildblue.net

Tim in Tx
Still alive and well!

The Duke's as well as the 400 yard clay matches are still alive and doing well.
This year a fourth shoot was added to the circuit when the Pohl Family built a new range at Hallettisville and held their first shoot. The 400 yard clay shoots have become extremely popular with all four of the 2013 shoots being filled up. The Huntsville shoot drew it's maximum of 60 competitors. We are in the process of rebuilding our range with 12 benches rather than the 6 we have had. It is a major project as the firing line had to be moved. Additionally, we anticipate a fifth shoot joining the circuit in 2014. So things are looking up.
My shooting was not up to par this year but Sam won two of the matches. Tymn Combest won one and Dennis Reed won the other. Dennis Reed also won the "Shooter of the Year" award.
You can go to www.Texasbenchrest.com for additional info but note the site is being rebuilt and currently a bit short on content.

Joe Duke & Tim thanks . Looking forward to meeting you next year. Max
East texas championship
may 17, 2014
rules and information

match date: Saturday may 17, 2014 Huntsville, TX
shooters meetng starts at 8:30 am
match starts at 9:00 am

practice day is friday may 16, 2014
range opens at 12:00 noon for practice
dinner will be served friday night after practice.
Alcholic beverages will be allowed after all firearms are stored.

Entry fee: $100.00 includes ribeye steak lunch
entry fee for youth class (16 and under) $50.00
entry fees will be non-refundable after may 1, 2014
lunch for non-shooters will be $10.00

limit of 60 shooters . Your money will be refunded in full if it is received after the 60 shooter limit is met.

Cash pay out
first place: Nightforce br 12x42 np2dd
second place $400.00
third place: $300.00
high woman: $300.00 must be 5 entered for payout
plaques for 1st. Thru 10th. In open class
plaques for 1st thru 3rd in womens class
plaques for 1st thru 3rd in youth class

the shooting deck is covered and has 15 concrete benches. Nothing else is provided. Bring your own shooting stools.
The shooters area is not covered so bring pop-up awnings for shade, lawn chairs, cleaning tables, water, etc.
Lunch will be provided.

Match rules

there will be 4 relays and five rounds of target boards. Each shooter will come to the bench five times.
Relay and bench number will be drawn the morning of the match.
Shooting at clay pigeons at 400 yds.
Targets: One 108mm clay pigeon worth 10 points
two 90mm clay pigeon worth 20 points each
five 60mm clay pigeons worth 30 points each
total possible points for match is 1000
there will be a 10 minute sighter period before your first relay. Please arrive at the range with your rifle sighted in for 400 yds or come to fridays practice day to sight in.
You will be allowed 10 rounds of ammunition on the bench and 7 minutes to shoot them on each target board. Any additional sighters during a relay will out of your 10 rounds. Match will require a minimum of 50 rounds, we recommend you bring 100. Most points at end of match wins.
Ties will be broken by number of small, medium, and large clays broken in that order. In the case of a tie for first thru third, a target will be posted, one shot fired and closest to center wins.

open, womens, and youth(16 and under)
there will be no coaching or spotting for anyone in any class. Youth shooters must have a parent or experienced shooter standing behind shooter for safety reasons and equipment problems.

no rail guns
no caliber over .308
no one piece rests
no wind flags except those provided by range
no spotting except during sighter period
no spotting scopes on benches
no alcohol during shooting hours
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Max, to date, all the ranges we shoot the clay target shoots on are private ranges. They are not even club owned; simply built and operated by private owners. There is one new shoot being added to the series for 2014 that will be at a club owned range up at Graham, Texas.
You can go to www.texasbenchrest.com and see a bit more info for all the ranges.
As Joe stated, my range is not open to the public or club owned. But, I do open the range for others to come practice. The CATCH IS you have to attend my matches to be able to use my range for practice. You come use my range then don't show up for the matches, you won't be invited back.


Please don't PM me, use my email.
Utopia Shootout April 12, 2014

For the last several years, the Utopia Shootout has been limited to 24 shooters as we only had 6 benches. This year, we are re-building the range with 12 benches so we will be able to accommodate a total of 48 shooters. There are now entries open so if you would like to join us at this shoot, Below is all the information and an entry form.
You can also go to www.Texasbenchrest.com and find information and entry forms for several of the matches.

Date: Saturday April 12, 2014
Shooter’s meeting at 8:30am
Shoot start time 9.00am
Location: Duke Ranch at the head of Little Creek
Entry Fee: $100.00 per shooter. You can only enter one time. Names are placed on the shooter’s list when fees are received.
Entry fees are non-transferable. If you need to withdraw before the cutoff date, please contact us for a refund.
NOTE: Entry fees will be non-refundable after March 29, 2014. If you wish your fees to be refunded before March 29, please notify us as soon as possible as we may have shooters on a waiting list.
The entry fee also pays for the all you can eat BBQ and fixins.
The food will be served from approx 12:00 pm until we run out of food.
Those of you who have been here before are familiar with our rules and procedures but a little refresher never hurts.
We will be shooting from concrete shooting benches so you will not need a portable bench. If you have a favorite shooting stool, bring it. Limited cleaning tables will be available but you may bring your own if so desired. You will need your own bench rests or sand bags.
Lunch will be served under cover.
You are encouraged to bring and set up your own shade awning,
Restroom facilities are available.
The range will be open for practice on Friday April 11, 2014. There will be no charge but please bring your own targets.
General Shoot Rules
1. There will be five record boards.
2. Bench and round position will be drawn before the match starts.
3. We will be shooting from 400 yards at clay pigeons.
4. There will be multiple targets mounted on the board.
A. 1 x 120mm clay - 10 points each
B. 2 x 90mm clays - 20 points each
C. 5 x 60mm clays - 30 points each
5. There will be a ten minute warm-up period before you shoot your first record board. You will shoot at the Shoot -N-See on the bottom of your board. Do not shoot the clays.
6. For each record board, you will be allowed 10 rounds on the bench and 7 minutes to shoot them.
7. No rifles on benches while target crew is down range.
8. No bolts in guns until instructed by Range Officer.
9. No Personal wind flags.
10. No spotting allowed during record rounds.
11. Spotting is allowed during warm-up period.
12. You may only enter one time but may shoot as many different rifles as you like.
Tie Scoring Rules
Scoring ties will be resolved by:
1. The higher place going to the shooter with the most small clays broken.
2. If not broken by #1, the higher place going to the shooter with the most mid size clays broken.
3. Any money place ties not broken by the above rules will be resolved by a one shot shoot-off at a paper target placed at 400 yards. The shot closest to the center determines the winner.
Rifle Restrictions
1. No Caliber over .308.
2. No One Piece rests.
3. No weight limit.
4. No sight restrictions.
7. Muzzle brakes are allowed as long as they are not the clam or tank type.
Range Rules
1. No alcohol at the range (before, during, or after the match)
2. There will be no Junior class
Target Setup
1. Target boards will have one 120mm clay on the top row.
2. Target board will have two 90mm clays on the second row.
3. Target board will have five 60mm clays on the third row.
4. Target board will have the sighter Shoot-N-See on the fourth row.
5. At the range discretion, there may be a Shoot-N-See centered under the large clay on the top row.
6. Clays will be secured to the board by crossed rubber bands.
7. At the range’s discretion, the board may be inverted.

All family members and non-shooters are welcome and encouraged.

Any questions, please email us: slduke at swtexas.net (replace at with @)
9th Annual Utopia Invitational shootout and BBQ
April 12, 2014





ENTRY FEE = $100 per shooter
Please make checks payable to “Sam Duke”
Note. There is a limit of 48 shooters. Your money will be returned if it is received after the 48 shooter limit is met.

Please mail your entry forms to;
Sam Duke
PO Box 232
Utopia, TX 78884
Graham TX

Can some one give me the name or phone number for the range in Graham range . Thanks Max
I have 52 of the 60 slots filled for the East Texas Championship next May 17. Send me an email if you need match entry form.
Match sponsors so far are:
S&S Precision, Argyle TX
W4 Outdoors, Conroe TX
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I am adding three benches to my range at Pine Valley. That will make 18 concrete benches under roof. My family members will shoot from a bench added at the end of the line. This will allow me to take 76 shooters for the East Texas Championship on May 17th. The first 76 paid entries will be in the match, after that will be a waiting list I will use to replace anyone that has to drop out. Remember the only way you are entered is when I receive your entry form and $100. An email or text message saying your coming won't get you in.
I have 67 paid entries so far.
No PM's on forums please.
Mike Cockcroft
mcockcroft at sbcglobal dot net
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