Load change needed when going to WS2 coated bullets?



I have a pet load for my 600 yd 6br but it is based on using un-coated Berger 108s. I'm going to try my hand at coating 100 bullets with WS2 but I don't know what changes to expect (if any) performance wise. This may be a silly question but is a load change typically necessary when converting from naked to WS2 coated bullets? My thinking is the slicker WS2 coated bullets will lower chamber pressures requiring a powder increase to keep the gun in tune. Of course my thinking may be very flawed, it usually is according to my wife.

Hopefully you wiser more experienced guys can shed some light on the issue.
your thinking is correct,i usually have to go up about half a number to a whole number on my harrells measure when i use coated bullets,you'll just have to try it & see what it likes
I go up about 5% using moly coated bullets. Not exact but a good reference point to start with.

I go up about 5% using moly coated bullets. Not exact but a good reference point to start with.


5%? Are you sure? That would take my current naked bullet load of 30.1 gr of RL15 to 31.6 gr an increase of 1.5 gr.

I was thinking maybe a couple 10ths of a gr would get me back in tune with the WS2 coated bullets.
I'm sure 5% is what I use.

An increase of 1.5 gr is what I would expect on one of my molycoated loads.

I have no experience with WS2. I have been using moly for years.

With one of my 6ppc's i had to go up .6 grains to achieve the accuracy i was getting with naked bullets. Your results will probably be different. You will just have to shoot and see. Start with your known load and work up. Lee