Little Creek Shootout

Joe Duke

Active member
The Little Creek Shootout, a 400 yard clay shoot is rapidly approaching and we still have a few spots open for the shoot. If you would like to shoot this match, please go to and click on the match schedule button. There, you can select the Utopia Match button to get full shoot information and entry blank. Or you can email me at and I can email you an entry.

This will be the ninth occurrence of the Little Creek Shootout as it is the oldest shoot on our current clay shoot circuit. It is also the first shoot of the year on the circuit and an event that you do not want to miss if you enjoy the clay bird shoots. We always have a great time at Utopia.

Due to the great interest and participation in these events, we are completely re-building our range to have 12 benches rather than the 6 benches we had previously. This will let us host 48 shooters at the match. The benches are built, the target frames are in place, and we will have a cover in place over the firing line by the match day. Sam and I are working hard to get the range ready for your enjoyment. Come out and shoot with us!
Still looks a bit like a construction site but it is coming along rapidly. Come try the benches JerryH says are the best he has ever shot off of. :)



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All sounds & looks good.... and good luck to all !.!.!
(Do wish those benches were 600yds further back and you were hosting IBS1000's,
so us Northerner's would have a warm place to come shoot in the winter).
Donovan, we tried registered 600 and 1,000 matches here is Texas for a couple of years and to put it mildly, attendance was weak. At the last 600 yard match at Mike Cockcroft's range in Huntsville, after two days shooting, we were able to award nine of the top ten patches.
Contrast that with Mike's 400 yard clay shoot for this year. He already has 76 paid entries and some on a waiting list. We originally had 6 benches here and held entries at a max of 24. Last year on shoot day, we had over 24 entries paid for this years shoot. We had to do something so we elected to double our bench count. The format is not any easier than a 600 yard or 1,000 yard match but it is way more popular. Folks like to shoot the clays and we pay cash prizes.
Joe sounds like fun, how many clay birds do you shot in one time on the bench. We have had Clay shoots a 1000 yards and had a lot of fun. And what are the restrictions on the rifles. Wish I lived closer!

Joe Salt
Joe, our rules are pretty simple. Only rifle rule is no caliber over .308. There are 8 clays on the board and you have 10 rounds to break them. No personal wind flags and no sighters after your warmup period. It is possible to shoot clean for a match but it is not an easy feat. Go to for lots more info.

General Shoot Rules
1. There will be five record boards.
2. Bench and round position will be drawn before the match starts.
3. We will be shooting from 400 yards at clay pigeons.
4. There will be multiple targets mounted on the board.
A. 1 x 108mm clay - 10 points each
B. 2 x 90mm clays - 20 points each
C. 5 x 60mm clays - 30 points each
5. There will be a ten minute warm-up period before you shoot your first record board. You will shoot at the Shoot -N-See on the bottom of your board. Do not shoot the clays.
6. For each record board, you will be allowed 10 rounds on the bench and 7 minutes to shoot them.
7. No rifles on benches while target crew is down range.
8. No bolts in guns until instructed by Range Officer.
9. No Personal wind flags.
10. No spotting allowed during record rounds.
11. Spotting is allowed during warm-up period.
12. You may only enter one time but may shoot as many different rifles as you like.

Unlike a paper match where a crossfire can wreck havoc on your target, here a crossfire can only help you. :D
