Literacy test?


Chuck Bogardus

Washington is going to require applicants for gun registration to take a 20 question test, and pass it...

And they've decided semi-autos aren't going to be approved.

If you have relatives in DC, their taxes are about to go up.
Take a look

at the list of banned firearms in the state of california.
One of the first things a law professor taught me is "Laws have nothing to do with sense, so we will not discuss that issue! They are the codification of the will of some group or person so it can be enforced on society!"

The number of rounds a semi automatic firearm should be able to fire without reloading is a matter of opinion today. Some voters see an assault rifle with two 30 shot clips taped together and they think mass murder in a school or shopping mall, not self defense. Who can blame them? We know the arguments on both sides, but that is the way it is today in America.
Washington is going to require applicants for gun registration to take a 20 question test, and pass it...

And they've decided semi-autos aren't going to be approved.

If you have relatives in DC, their taxes are about to go up.

They should apply the same test to voting.:)

Concho Bill
They tried.

And it was soundly defeated in the Supreme Court. Which is really ironic, considering that the right to vote is not inshrined in the Constitution or Bill of Rights, and gun ownership, well, is.
Chuck............................................. .....

I wish thay would give people a 20 question test before they allowed them to vote!!:D:D:D
If I lived in DC I'd by 2 .410 revolvers with buck to knock him down with, and one to make sure the job was completed.......that would break the criminals from sucking eggs!!!;););)
essential tremor- ammendments15-19-26 are for voting rights

Which aren't part of the Bill of Rights or Constitution. And while those amendments protect a certain "right to vote" they don't define it or assign it. I understand your point, though.
An amendment is just what it states. It is an amendment to the constitution. This means it was something changed or added which in turn makes it part of the constitution. The amendments stated by me guarantee the rights to vote for anyone who is over the age of 18. 15and 19 guarantee the rights to everyone over 21 at the time and 26 changes the voting age to 18.
Why not go back to the policy of "If you don't pay taxes, you don't vote". My kids don't put money into my checkbook, so I sure don't allow them to have a say so in how it is spent. Allowing those who pay no taxes vote allows the pollitians to buy votes by promising them income. Same as buying someone a bottle of wine or a pack of cigarettes to vote for them. It wouldn't take very long to straighten out this country with Don't pay taxes...Don't get to Vote.
