Leupold 6X Comp. Scope


Bob Pekaar

I'm posting this separately from a prior thread concerning this scope as it contains important information on the Leupold 6X Competition scope. Per the Leupold Service rep, all 6X's manufactured in 2007 contained 3/8" dots (dots that cover an area of 3/8" at 100 yds. ((3/8 MOA))and 3/16" at 50 yards); in 2008, the dot size was changed to 1/8". The 3/8 dot can be replaced with a 1/8- I did not ask the cost, but the usual WAS $75.
Kent, if you want to see the rings with a 6X scope, have your opthalmologist put in good replacement lenses when you have your cataracts done. Gives you 20/15 vision but you an read lot numbers on Eley boxes 'cause your now farsighted. But for $2000 extra per eye you can get bifocal implants.
Bob Pekaar
Leupold 6X


Are you sure about the dot sizes? I read that the 6X HBR had an 1/2 inch dot and I recall looking through one that covered the entire 10 ring at 50 yards. .

I'm not sure it was a 2007 model. It could have been earlier. If the new 2008 dot is 1/8th inch can you actually see it??
dot size/year of mfg.

I did not want to muddy the waters with too detailed information. In one of my 3 phone calls to them (the 2nd) they stated that the dot was 1/2". To recap- I was first told it was 3/8" and could be replaced with a 1/4", then I was told it was a 1/2" and they didn't know if it could be replaced (that was yesterday); today I was quite firm with them and the person thumbed through a product description and gave me the information I posted on this thread.
Yes, you can see a 1/8 dot- I think the IR 50/50 10 ring is 0.250" outside to outside and 0.209" inside to inside. My dot fits inside the the 10 ring. I'll will know for sure when I get the scope back from Leupold as they stated for sure it was a 1/8- if I were a betting man I'd say I'm going to have a 1/4" dot put in and it should just fill the 10 ring. I agree with you that 1/8 is small. It's 0.0624" at 50 yards.
Just be aware of two things: Leupold has changed the product, so if you want a small dot, tell your supplier; secondly, when you talk about dot size in inches, it's always the area covered at 100 yards and will be half that at 50 yards and twice that at 200 yards- here with dealing with minute of angle or MOA, which always references apparent size at 100 yards.
Shucks, I muddied the water.
You did a great job of explaining that! Everybody who reads it should be able to decipher the info and I'm sure it will be helpful to folks who want the answer in the future.
I guess I'll just keep guessing where the 10 ring is. I don't know if I'd trust my eye doctor to change the oil in my truck.
I thought you might have had lens implants to see that well. Best of luck to you with the new scopes. Keep up up to date on how it works out.

Please let us know what comes back from Leupold and how it works for you.

I have been trying to decide which 6X scope to put on a sporter for IR 50/50. I have an old Burris 6X32mm HBR with the 3/8 inch dot. It's OK, the dot does fit inside the ten ring but that small dot fades out of view quickly. My eyes aren't as good as they once were.

I also have a Leupold 6X18X40mm with the 1/2 inch target dot and I can see the dot better but it covers the entire 10 ring. I can't decide which is better. Large dot vs smaller dot. I'm thinking the optics on the 6X42mm Leupold HBR may be better than my Burris and better than my 6X18X40mm Leupold. If this is the case maybe it's worth buying the new Leupold. But I have rooms full of stuff I thought would be better, just to find they really provided no advantage. I'm trying not to do that again. Good luck!!!
dot size

I also have a Leupold 6X18X40mm with the 1/2 inch target dot and I can see the dot better but it covers the entire 10 ring. !
Well, I'd shoot with any scope that just about covers th 10 ring- you introduce a new variable--the power of the scope. If you take a variable and turn it up, what happens to visualized area covered at 50 yards? I don't know. I do know that when you order a 36 BRD, the dot size is different than a 6X. Need expert help here. I was contacted by another shooter who told me that the Burris 6X dot is 0.22- roughly 1/4".
We are the mercy of the vendors.
Bob Pekaar
I have 2 of the 6-18X40 Leupolds, 2 of the 6X42"s, a 3-9X40AO and a 3-9X33EFR, and a couple of the 3.5-10 VariXIII's, and a couple of the 6.5-20X40's too. Al have been used as sporter scopes.

When you turn up the power the target gets bigger. The half minute dot will easily fit in the 10 ring on 18X. The actual spec's on the 6-!8X scopes is that it's 6.7 power when set on 6X. Looking at a Burris beside a 6-18 Leupold, I'd say they're about 6.8X or thereabouts, no way to actually measure it but the target appears bigger.
I've had a couple of the Burris scopes too. I like the Leuys better. Just a personal opinion.

Are your Burris scopes the new HBR II model? Mine is the older version.

Did I understand you to say the image appears larger with the 6X Burris than it did with the 6X18X40mm Leupold? The reason I ask is if that is so, I'm ordering a new Burris today!!

But on the other hand, you said you preferred the Leupolds. What do you see as being there advantage?

As you can tell I'm still trying to decide to buy or use what I've got!

Thanks for the info!
I had one of each of the Burris scopes, the HBRII and the original one too. I sold 'em both. Lots' of people really like 'em and do well with them. I'm not knocking them, I just prefer the Leupolds. Again, this is just opinion but if I were you and had a 6-18X40 with the half minute dot and target turrets, I'd look no further. They're very good scopes for a sporter if your rifle can stand the weight.

Thanks for the advice. I think I'm going to do just that at least for awhile.

When you turn up the power the target gets bigger. The half minute dot will easily fit in the 10 ring on 18X.

Are you saying that dot size doesn't change with a change in scope power? If that be the case, then you would want a larger dot in a 36X BRD.
Burris scopes

Are your Burris scopes the new HBR II model? Mine is the older version.

Did I understand you to say the image appears larger with the 6X Burris than it did with the 6X18X40mm Leupold? The reason I ask is if that is so, I'm ordering a new Burris today!!

But on the other hand, you said you preferred the Leupolds. What do you see as being there advantage?

As you can tell I'm still trying to decide to buy or use what I've got!

Thanks for the info!
Mine is about 2 years old. I like Leupold because the image appears brighter to me despite the fact it's only 2 mm larger or so- 6x42.
All of my 36X scope have fine crosshairs, except for a spare one that I have that has an 1/8 minute dot. The 1/8th minute dot is about the size of the X on an IR5050 target at 50 yards(or 1/16th"). Since I can place the crosshairs on the X if I choose to I see no need for a dot in the 36X scopes. Again, this is just personal preference. Of course you and I know, with conditions and winds we never really place the dot or crosshairs on the X anyway.

On a sporter scope I like the dot to cover the same size area as the bullet, because I use the dot as a guage to hold one bullet width left, right, or high, or low, depending on what the condition calls for. But, as I said I don't really see that well, so the bullet hole sized dot helps as a guage.
Tha's about all I know about that, and other's mileage may vary, etc.:)
All of my 36X scope have fine crosshairs, except for a spare one that I have that has an 1/8 minute dot. The 1/8th minute dot is about the size of the X on an IR5050 target at 50 yards(or 1/16th").

OK, I guess what you're saying is scope power has no effect on the area covered by the dot-i.e, a 6X and a 36X scope with a 1/8" dot will both cover 1/16" at 50 yards. I use fine cross hairs only in benchrest centerfire because of the nature of the game and target, but that's another story.
Bob, because I tried last year to go down this road after I bought my second comp 6x from them, after reading the post I called and talked to Alan Tucker who is, I believe, the head tech guy. Bottom line... no change with the dot size and none in the works for a smaller than 1/2 min. I'd guess the rep you talked to probably got screwed up between the 6's and the 35's-40's. Save your bucks up for the new carbon tubed BR models out later this year, hopefully.
Bob, because I tried last year to go down this road after I bought my second comp 6x from them, after reading the post I called and talked to Alan Tucker who is, I believe, the head tech guy. Bottom line... no change with the dot size and none in the works for a smaller than 1/2 min. I'd guess the rep you talked to probably got screwed up between the 6's and the 35's-40's. Save your bucks up for the new carbon tubed BR models out later this year, hopefully.
Unfortunately it's done. The charge just went through on my credit card-$58. I just can't wait to see what they did.
Leupold Comp Scope dot on 6X

Tim, I just got my scope back from Leupold 6X Comp. scope from the mfg. As per our prior discussion, it came with a 3/8" dot and between our 4 phone calls to Leupold we got 4 different answers. I was afraid to look through the thing for fear I'd see a basketball- at first I didn't see anything and then there in the middle with adequate light was a tiny dot. It's smaller than a Burris (I believe Burris 0.22 or 1/5" in the 6X). This dot is an 1/8" dot if there was one and on the outside, maybe a 1/4". I love it and the cost was $59 including shipping. This would lead me to conclude that the newer scopes may have a smaller dot (would need input from a recent purchaser of a 2008 scope) and that you can get a 1/4" or less dot for the price I paid.
Bob Pekaar
Bob Pekaar
Tim, I just got my scope back from Leupold 6X Comp. scope from the mfg. As per our prior discussion, it came with a 3/8" dot and between our 4 phone calls to Leupold we got 4 different answers. I was afraid to look through the thing for fear I'd see a basketball- at first I didn't see anything and then there in the middle with adequate light was a tiny dot. It's smaller than a Burris (I believe Burris 0.22 or 1/5" in the 6X). This dot is an 1/8" dot if there was one and on the outside, maybe a 1/4". I love it and the cost was $59 including shipping. This would lead me to conclude that the newer scopes may have a smaller dot (would need input from a recent purchaser of a 2008 scope) and that you can get a 1/4" or less dot for the price I paid.
Bob Pekaar
Bob Pekaar

Wow, that's wild since I talked to Alan Tucker who is their head technition and was told no way. It would be lovely if everybody over there was on the same page. Are you of the opinion that there is any discernable difference between the 1/2 min. and yours at 50 yards?
Wow, that's wild since I talked to Alan Tucker who is their head technition and was told no way. It would be lovely if everybody over there was on the same page. Are you of the opinion that there is any discernable difference between the 1/2 min. and yours at 50 yards?
There is no question that is smaller. I would advise anyone buying this scope to ask the vendor about the dot size. This is true especially if you like a small dot. I'm not sure what is going on at Leupold but I don't know of a way to find the spec's on the scopes they are now selling. My 35X is magnificent.