Left handed cocking with a right hand bolt???



Left handed cocking with a right hand bolt???Crossover bolt pics/advice

I was wondering if anyone had any advice or pictures of how I can work my Anschutz 64mp right handed bolt , left handed (cant afford a LH rifle at the moment)while in a prone position (sorry but i still benchrest 80%of the time). I have a slight idea but am not sure how to attack this (cross over bolt but have never seen one). I know I can add a piece of metal tubing or similar to the bold on the right hand bolt and have it bent over the top of the rifle so that it does not effect the peep sights (not sure if I could make it go under the rifle) so i can work the bold with my left hand and not disturb my position. Any help,pics or tips on this issue would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Scott Australia
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I think I know who has an original Annie RH/LH conversion piece lying around. If I can get to it, I'll take a photo for you.

By the way, whereabouts in Australia are you?

Hi John
Im in the Blue Mountains just out of Sydney.
Cheers Scott
Remember the sniper in "Saving Private Ryan"? He operated his M1903 over the top. Thanks, Douglas