lead core cutting


a.k.a. Bob Richards
Who makes a machine that will cut lead cores with 1 tenth of a grain consistently? I'm looking for an automated cutter. Not sure what the lead wire feeding options/requirements are for this type of equipment. If someone could point me in the right direction on confirm there isn't a machine of this type for less than a gillion $$$...
Call Jason Coye 1-585-208-8367 if it is a core cutter you are looking for.

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Who makes a machine that will cut lead cores with 1 tenth of a grain consistently? I'm looking for an automated cutter. Not sure what the lead wire feeding options/requirements are for this type of equipment. If someone could point me in the right direction on confirm there isn't a machine of this type for less than a gillion $$$...

Nobody that's why there are core form dies....

For the price of purchasing cores from Charlie I wasn't thinking he would be able to squirt the cores. Plus, those cores do not shine the way squirted cores typically do. I was thinking there must have been a "secret sauce" that I wasn't aware of.
It works like this Charlie buys lead in bulk so less $ passes on to us so his labor is the difference, and automated cut squirt.

It works like this Charlie buys lead in bulk so less $ passes on to us so his labor is the difference, and automated cut squirt.

You just got a way to cut to the chase. :) I'll be looking you up at to SS, I'm coming up to visit anyone that will have me around.
Anyway as to the question and the reason you can't cut wire to exact weight, the diameter varies and there are air bubbles that cause major weight variations.

You just got a way to cut to the chase. :) I'll be looking you up at to SS, I'm coming up to visit anyone that will have me around.
Anyway as to the question and the reason you can't cut wire to exact weight, the diameter varies and there are air bubbles that cause major weight variations.

You and the bride had better stop by and say hello at my trailer. Max and I will be parked on the south side of the barn. Would be good to get some catching up done. Missed you folks at the last couple Shamrocks.

automated squirt die

What does an automated squirt die setup look like and where do you buy them?
Hey Bob, just buy cores from Charlie. They are really good.

I borrowed a 22 squirt die. Did a 50 lb. spool of wire. That week was the most boring week of my life.
It was a good thing I was on a medical leave. This showed up between my 2 surgeries. So I had no where to go. But, heal myself......The memories still hurt my head......
not so simple to just buy...

There's a little more complication getting cores across the border and who is willing to ship across the border. But, I do agree it is compelling to buy cores from Charlie - border not included.
Just for what it's worth
I use an old Herters model 30 core cutter, that i found for sale on Ebay
I have found some at times for others They work pretty well.
Jasons core cutter is another winner if you do a lot of cores.
call me

You just got a way to cut to the chase. :) I'll be looking you up at to SS, I'm coming up to visit anyone that will have me around.
Anyway as to the question and the reason you can't cut wire to exact weight, the diameter varies and there are air bubbles that cause major weight variations.

Charlie: Call me. Jim Casey
You and the bride had better stop by and say hello at my trailer. Max and I will be parked on the south side of the barn. Would be good to get some catching up done. Missed you folks at the last couple Shamrocks.


David, We most definitely will! Look forward to seeing you both.

Dusty, I don't owe you any money do I?
Man, we haven't seen you in a while! It'll be good to see you again.

Don't know for sure when we'll get there, but will definitely be there for the Hall of Fame induction.

Charlie and Cheryl
no more rachels glen shoots- that was my favorite. you dont ever come to my region so thats why I've appeared absent. see you there.