Last match of the year in the NE

William Colbert

New member
Country Pond will be hosting the last list point season match of the year in the North East this coming Saturday the 29th. It will also be the New Hampshire Sporter and 3 Gun State Match. Registration is at 0800 and fun begins at 0900. Hot lunch will be served. Look forward to seeing shooters from near and far.


A NINE card State Match???????? That's gotta be a 1st!!!!! What an innovator you are!!!!
This will be Awesome! We can have a Nine Card AGG for the NH Champ of Champs!!
4 sporter cards & 5 heavy gun cards. I can't wait!
Ken & I'll be down.

I can just see it now, so much interest will be generated that the need for a second relay will become a reality too.

You guys had better bring along flashlights for those last 3 card. And W, maybe including dinner will become a necessity too.

The best news is, it's not supposed to snow tomorrow.

Good luck, and have fun!
